Pillar Drive

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SpellsHealth  ► Power  ► Pillar Drive
This is a physical attack using ki.

Casting Instructions for 'Pillar Drive'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Put your hand up so that your palm is facing the opponent. Take a stance so that your body resembles the letter "r". Bring ki up from your tan tien and store it in your wrist.

Visualize a sort of circular tunnel the size of your palm in your palm. Now push all the ki that was store through this circle so the ki takes the form of a pole. Make the pole hover horizontally in front of your palm.

Put your other hand up so the palm of that hand is facing the pole. Your hands should now be next to each other with your palms facing the pole. Program the pole to move with your hands by directing your thoughts through it. Move your hands round so the pole is verticle and move it above your targets head.

Slam your hands down really fast. The pole will slam down through the target's body and hurt.


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Last edited on Jul 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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