Invocation to Banish Fear

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Invocation to Banish Fear
An invocation to drive away the Spirits of Fear.

Casting Instructions for 'Invocation to Banish Fear'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Piece of White Cloth
  • Thyme,
  • Rosemary,
  • Freshly ground ginger root
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Piece of White Cloth
  • Thyme,
  • Rosemary,
  • Freshly ground ginger root
At the rising of the sun, on the twelfth day of the month, a piece of clean, white, fine cloth should be laid flat upon a table. An equal mixture of thyme, rosemary and freshly ground ginger root should be spread over it, evenly distributed, but not too heavy. The following invocation need be spoken aloud:

''Spirit of the Rising Sun

Enter this place

Allow thy face to shine brightly upon this offering

That thy grace may be invoked.

The Spirit of Fear hath taken up residence in mine humble home

And apprehension has settled in not to be easily shaken loose

Spirit of the Rising Sun hear my plea

Let these spirits no more bother me

Banish them to darkness and bid them take leave.

Spirit of the Rising Sun fill the empty corners

That lo, they may not loiter and hide

Sweep the rooms with thine mighty hand

Force them outside.

Spirit of the Rising Sun

I invoke your power

That these things for which I ask

Be done

So it was, so it is, so it shall ever be''.

When you have finished the invocation, carefully gather-up the cloth so as to not spill the mixture. Take the cloth full of mixture out of doors and shake it completely clean. The cloth should then be washed clean using soap and hot water.


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Part of the Divine Spirits Library.


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