5 Ultimate Spells

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SpellsLife  ► Wish  ► 5 Ultimate Spells
These spells are my object finding spells if one didn't work...try the other one!

Casting Instructions for '5 Ultimate Spells'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • n/a
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • n/a


"Keeper of what disappears,
Hear me now -- open your ears.
Find for me what I now seek,
By Moon, Sun, Earth, Air, Fire and Sea."


Cast a circle like you normally would. Then say:


"By the powers of Moon, Sun, Earth, Air, Fire and Sea
what once was lost return to me."


Visualize your lost item being back in your possession.

Release the magic and wait.


"Earth, air, water, fire, help me find what I desire
Candle, cup, wind, seed, help me find what need."

Remember to think about what you want to find very hard.


Spoken as needed when you have lost something:

"Bound and Binding
Binding, Bound
See the sight
Hear the sound
What was lost
Now is found
Bound and Binding
Binding, Bound."

Then think of what the object looks like and how it sounds.


Say or chant:


"I now invoke the law of three what once was lost returns to me."


Added to on Jun 20, 2015
Last edited on Nov 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Am I need help as soon as possible by anyone please someone please see this n email me

May 09, 2019
What happen

Jan 22, 2020
What do you need help with ?

Apr 27, 2020
yea what do u need help with?

Oct 05, 2021
yea wyt happen

Dec 09, 2021
Are you ok?????:(

Jun 22, 2024
What is it

are any of these usable by baby witches? i'm just starting but i want to get into simple spells

Nov 02, 2020
If you know the basics of magick [energy work, shielding, visualization] you can cast any spell regardless of how long you've practiced. Regarding these chants specifically, I'm not sure if they work at all [not sure what each does] but you can try them. Charge the required energy, imagine your desired outcome, then repeat the chant [do so until you get into a trance-like rhythm] once you feel you've reached the peak of energy, release the energy [I usually stomp my foot, but you could clap your hand, tap the ground, or however you feel signals release]

Nov 04, 2020
Neko is right it doesn't matter if you're a starter or not.

Mar 25, 2021
can you use ancient magic

Jun 07, 2021
you can use all of them

Can some one tell me how to get magic

Jan 31, 2022
you don't really ''get'' magick. Magick is a natural, neutral force of energy that brings desired change. Once you know how to connect with and focus this energy you can use it for spells, rituals and whatever else. Research charging/ground energy, shield with energy, creating psi balls, and cleansing/protection.

Im so confused because I am new to magik, well knit really I have meditated for a long time when I was young and focused on this then I quit for a while but now I’m coming back, but how to I cast a circle and does it have to be Fire?

These are not ''ultimate spells'' they are simple chants. Some do not work, others require an edit, and one was taken from another spell. With any chant, you need to charge energy, focus on your goal, and repeat the phrase until you feel you have conjured enough energy to release it on your goals.

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