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(1) Place the altar facing magnetic east. Have the altar bowl in the center with two red candles behind the altar bowl. Draw a six point star with the chalk large enough to sit in the center with the altar facing the east point. Place a red candle at each point. Light all the candles in whatever order suits you and sit in the center. Sit and relax your body. Let the thoughts in your mind go without paying attention to them.
(2) Open your third eye to see your guides.
(3) Visualize a radiant white light while chanting the next line.
(4) Burn an offering after you call each name.
(5) Burn an offering after this line.
(6) Open your mind to Aisha’s powers and project them into the man who is driving away your love. The other man’s name is placed into this (name) blank.
(7) Now you use Aisha’s powers to force the emotions to the way they should flow. The emotions are open to suggestion, so push your ideas into your love through Aisha Toma. The lucky person’s name is placed into this (name) blank.
(8) Burn the last offering.
(1) Hear my thoughts and answer me Puthadian Gods. With the candles to light my path, I ask you to guide them. The candles are my guides and their fires are their swords to protect me on my journey. Almighty Puthadian Gods come and hear me!
(2) The candles light my path and I ask you to guide them. The candles are my guides and you guide them.
(3) Puthadian Gods, guide me to the light.
(4) Rekale, Goddess of Dreams, I invoke thee.
Jubali, God of Temptation, I invoke thee.
Fovita, God of Sexual Pleasure, I invoke thee.
Toko, God of Time, I invoke thee.
Shana, Goddess of Peace, I invoke thee.
Tivanuf, God of the Majestic, I invoke thee.
Tosha, Goddess of the Righteous One, I invoke thee.
Juda, God of Wine, I invoke thee.
(5) I ask of you these favors to make this journey safe and joyous in your sacred names, accept this offering of Prophecy pages?
(6) In the name of Aisha the Goddess of Love and Hate, bring the desires of my heart to me. By the Power of Hate, drive away (name) who is holding back my love from me; with the power of this love not meant to be, make mine to be.
(7) By the Power of Love I turn the Power of Hate into love for me. Drive all others away and bring (name) to me. When my love is mine, bind it to me. This is what it needs to be.
(8) Hail Aisha the Goddess of Love and Hate.
I now have to be done for this time and release you from the bonds I placed around the circle. We can now end this session and return to our worlds till next we meet.
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