Call Ara

SpellsSpiritual  ► Conjuring  ► Call Ara
This is a Spiritual Spell to connect with the God of the Universe and Jesus Christ

Casting Instructions for 'Call Ara'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.

Light All the Candles, Incense the Palm Incense and say by My Charm let this Smoke rise to Heaven until Orion be the Will of Ara, Burn the Incense of the Dragon's Blood and say Let the Earth hear Ara and his Prophet and his Son Jesus who is the God of Orion and let Mher get out of his door soon. Let this Smoke spread through this Sanctuary and its Spirits through all Earth and Heaven, Heaven and Earth shall pass but their words shall not pass  Place the Obsidian stones in your Sanctuary, surround them and say this Mantra 7 times Shall the Light come Each Candle fulfills its counsel Do as it wills so be it so be it   Then put the Soil brought from the Holy Rock with a red cloth in your Shrine and say this Prayer Seven times. Blessed are all Witches Father Aran Blesses them, here is the Lamb that dwells on Earth to change the world, no longer Witchcraft is Holy, always Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Even so, How dead, how cruel, All Dragons listen to it, Everyone listens to it, All Wizards listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Parallel Worlds listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Planets listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Universes listen to it Everyone listens to it  

Then take the Salt, spit your saliva on the paper, burn it in the Fire from those Candles, and pour the Ashes into the Salt, sprinkle the Salt on the Earth, and say: May those who oppose Witchcraft be unarmed, may the Earth swallow those who have malice towards a Witch, let it be so, let it be, let it be, I say by the Power of the Sixth and the Third. come out and circle clockwise seven times, come to your Room and sprinkle Cinnamon on the Ground, write your name on a piece of paper and place it on the Ground and say eight and nine times, this Name I Give to Ara As Dark as it is Harsh, let it Let the candles be burnt with  almsgivin et the seven days be over, go to the rock from where you brought the Earth, put it on that Rock along with your name, and bring water from there and drink that Water for seven to 10 days.



Added to on May 24, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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