You have this special boy/man who always pops up in your dreams? When you wake you just wish he was real? Well you can make him real! Just follow these simple instructions!
Casting Instructions for 'Draw a Dream Crush'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Two sheets of paper(one lined and the other white)
A red or pink pen
A strong love for him
You will need the following items for this spell:
Two sheets of paper(one lined and the other white)
A red or pink pen
A strong love for him
1. At the top of the white paper, write his first,middle and last name
2.Below his name, write his date of birth, age.
3. Draw a picture of him. Color it unless you want him to be black and white!!!
4. Now on the lined paper describe him. Write adjtives about his personality. Is he nice? Is he cute?
5. At night put the two papers under the rock. If you wake up and the ink is washed away, you will meet him soon. If the ink is still there your spell didn't work out that well or you did somthing wrong.
You cannot make a drawing come to life. That would be cool though, you just need to wait a little bit of time to meet the right person. I somewhat did that, now I have a girlfriend. That's my best advice, just wait for love or the right person. I know it sucks to wait for love, but it will happen one day to you.
I’m gonna try it. All of the boys I have were not the right person ppl say “wait for the right person” u end up not getting the right ppl so I believe It will work
Real Magik on the physical plane does not defy nature. You cannot create something out of nothing. If you want your dream guy to come to you, try manifestation. You would tell the universe this is the guy for me, and your energy will vibrate at a similar frequency as the person you wish to attract and this will bring them into your life. You may not find the exact person you imagined, but you will meet someone who is similar.
One other thing, spells do not work without sacrifice. You cannot go ''I want this guy to come to me'' and not bother leaving your house and socializing. You might tell the universe you want this perfect guy, he is a real person. What incentive do you have for him to stay? If he is a ten and you are a two, and I am talking personality not looks, how can you work on yourself to become a better person? A spell or manifestation can bring someone into your life, it will not make them stay. You need to put in the effort to become better, to get to know them, to show them you care. Otherwise, they will leave. Not because the spell failed, but because you failed them.
You cannot make something out of thin air. If you modify this spell, then you might be able to attract someone with the same features or everything in general.
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