Make blessed water

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Make blessed water
This is how you can bless water with love,healing,protection and good luck.~My spell~

Casting Instructions for 'Make blessed water'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Wand(optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Wand(optional)

Put the water you would like to bless in a container(ex.a bottle or a glass),concentrate on it and chant out loud (while pointing at it with your wand,if you chose to use one for this spell):

Bless this water with love,healing,protection and good luck.So mote it be!


When drinking this water,you will feel as if all the negative energies inside of you are going away.This is excellent and I recommend having a glass of blessed water before breakfast to cheer you up,protect you and heal you mentally and physically.


Added to on Apr 07, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Can this be used for pets? Like if I bless the water in their bowl?

Aug 09, 2019
I would assume so. As long as the water is in a container, it should work. There are many pet blessings you can also try out on here.

Is this like Holy Water

Sep 15, 2019

Can ordinary person do it

Sep 18, 2019
Yes, just focus your energy

Yes I think this will be helpful' thanks

This works 💯% for me. My first day to perform it,it freaked my hell off.i worked at 03:30a.m with feeling of my hands vibrating.this feelings followed for 3 consecutive days as i bless water to drink before going to bed.also with when i happen to perform it,i usually collect some coins in the streets

does this cure illnesses

Jul 14, 2020
No. Well, maybe dehydration.

Can I use a water bottle?

Aug 04, 2020
Yes. Any water can be used to make blessed water.



so my brother has a job interview soon and will this work to give him luck for it?

One of the many ways to make blessed water. Just be sure you know how to charge something with energy and this will work.

Felt slightly ''drunk'' or tipsy but like I didn't have 100% balance after drinking it. Not too extreme but enough to feel a difference. Is this reaction normal?

Jun 29, 2024
Well, drunk makes me think you did not charge the energy properly. You need to take Magikal energy from outside your body and focus it into the water. If you took Magikal energy from your body to charge the water, this could cause this feeling. You drained your own energy, which would make you feel unwell. Another option is you over charged your body by taking in more energy than you released. However, if this was the case, you would feel hyper. Although, a sense of euphoria is not unusual if you over charge yourself. But, you did bless the water correctly. You should feel a difference. Depending on what type of energy you wanted to bless the water with, you should feel or notice that energy over the next day. If you charged it with luck, make note of any good fortune you might encounter. If you charged it with positive energy and general good vibes, make note of anything positive you experience. If absolutely nothing happens, that would be a sign you did not cast correctly and need to fine tune the spell.

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