Shadow Step

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SpellsTrick  ► Illusion  ► Shadow Step
To move about unseen by the mortal eye.

Casting Instructions for 'Shadow Step'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Very strong Will power
  • Visualization
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Very strong Will power
  • Visualization

This is an incredibly useful and powerful form of Shadow magick I created long ago when Working as an assassin:

(To be used at night only.)

Close your eyes and open your connection to the Shadow energy. Visualize and FEEL yourself flowing into the Darkness around you, until you are completely one with Shadows. Feel the cold darkness consume you until you are one with it.
Open your eyes. To yourself(depending on your connection to the Shadows) you will most likely still see yourself moving about, but those around you are blind. This spell Requires an Immense amount of Willpower and A strong connection to the Shadows.
Use it Well:)


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Last edited on May 25, 2016
Part of the Council of Origins Library.


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Imma try this and come back with results

This seems to be an extreme form of Shadow Magick. I haven't tried it, but it seems very powerful, not for the beginner witch.

This is a repost. I mentioned on the other spell this is plausible, but it would not make you physically invisible. You would ground your energy and be overlooked. However adding that I used it as an assassin screams fake. This is an example of taking a real technique and adding nonsense to it to make it sound grander than it actually is. Invisibility spells work by grounding your energy so you are overlooked. You need to blend in with your surroundings. They will see you if you are acting in a way which draws the eye to you.

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