2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Make a Guy Love You
- Release The Inner You Spell
- A Good Choice
- Better senses
- Hoodoo Diet Spell
- Body of Aphrodite
- Give Him a Feminine Figure
- Get Your Crush to Like You
- Diet Spell
- Give Him a Female Figure
#1441 - Make a Guy Love You
"This boy I had a crush on
Make him love me
This boy that I love
Will be my hero when I am in danger.
Make this boy love me
So mote it be"
Then apply the lipgloss.
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1442 - Release The Inner You Spell
Now close your eyes and visualize that you are in a room with all these doors surrounding you. Only one door is the correct door to what you desire. Open the wrong door then I wish you luck with that. No, the door you want is the only one that needs a key. Find that door and be ready to open it because what lays in chains is that inner you. They will ask do you need me, you answer yes or no. If no then you can enter at any time. If yes then you will take their place and watch the world through their eyes. If they ask do you want me instead of need me then do not answer, turn around and lock the door in behind you. A need and a wabt are two different things. Now when the spell is over you will go back to normal. It should only last a day, but if it continues then so mote it be.
#1443 - A Good Choice
I choose to do things right,
And never shall I fight.
Thy be able,
Never to make a fable.
#1444 - Better senses
Mail me if it works or if there are side effects.
#1445 - Hoodoo Diet Spell
On a piece of paper with markers draw a picture of yourself and your full body of how you want your body to look like. Use markers to create this picture as legit as you can also after, outline your body with the color of your aura. After you draw yourself how you want to look, write your goal weight number and affirmation words to help manifest your desire such as motivation, determination, ambition, success, victory, beautiful, goals, aspirations, fit, healthy, etc. Be sure to also write your full name above the image you drew of yourself. Then, place the drawing on your alter. In the center of your drawing place a gold candle and color the rim of the candle with the lipstick. Anoint the gold candle with attraction oil. Then in front of the gold candle place the yellow candle to represent burning your fat away. Behind the gold candle place Aphrodite's statue and behind her the red candle. On the left side of Aphrodite place the pink candle and on Aphrodite's right side place the purple candle. Then, sprinkle rosemary on the picture you drew and in the candles. Allow the candles to sit and burn for 20-30 minutes. After that time is up burn Venus incense. Focus on your intention and strong will towards the body that you desire. Chant: "Aphrodite oh Venus of mine I call to thee during the witching hour divine. I ask of thee oh goddess of love and beauty to manifest the body that I desire. I light this gold candle to represent your divine energy, red for strength and passion, pink for your love, purple for healing, and yellow to resemble burning my fat away. Oh dear Goddess Aphrodite this is my plea I ask of thee make me beautiful, healthy, and as fit as can be. Help me lose weight and with this yellow candle I now burn and melt my fat away. I thank thee goddess for your divine energy and presence in helping me to achieve my bodies potential and desire to be so mote it be!" Wait for your incense to burn completely out and then it is complete.
Last edited on Nov 03, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1446 - Body of Aphrodite
''The beauty of Aphrodite and the body of Venus I call upon the goddess of love. Bless me with becoming more attractive, help me get into shape, lose weight, and become more beautiful please. I use this gold candle to represent the divine, the red candle to represent attraction, purple for healing, yellow to burn my fat and calories away, and pink for beauty. With this lipstick I have marked my body in the places I wish to lose weight. Help me become more fit and healthy oh Aphrodite and bless me with the grace of your beauty. Blessed be.''
You may then blow out your candles. It is done.
#1447 - Give Him a Feminine Figure
First, write his first and last name on the paper with the writing tool, along with city and state. Then remove any clothing the Barbie may have. Then hold the Barbie over the paper and say:
"Give him curves, give him soft skin, give a feminine figure to him. Give him the stuff this Barbie's got, and look like a boy he will not. Give him breasts size (breast size) this is my will, so mote it be!"
Then spray the paper with the perfume, and bury it in the earth somewhere. The closest to his house the quicker the spell will take place!
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1448 - Get Your Crush to Like You
Go in a place were no one is a round then write your crushes name in big letters on the paper. Then put your lip gloss on and kiss under his name. Make sure the lip gloss gets on the paper then fold up the paper and then go to the window and open it and let go. The next day your crush should call if he knows your number or he will ask you on a date at school
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1449 - Diet Spell
#1450 - Give Him a Female Figure
Write the first and last name of the guy on the paper with the pink pen, along with city and state. Adress is good too, but not required. Then say: "Give him curves, give him soft skin, give the gift of feminism to him."
Then spray the paper with the perfume, and bury it in your backyard or in the earth somewhere. The closer to his house the quickest the spell will take effect.
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.