2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Summer Sun Jar
- Simple Curse
- Accepting a Difficult Situation
- Calming Potion
- ressurrection
- Weight Loss Spell ~My Spell~
- Vampire Diaries Werewolf Transformation
- The Vampire Diaries Heretic Spell ~2017~ (Vampire and witch)
- Bendy spell
- Power of 3 healing spell
#511 - Summer Sun Jar
Cork and shake it to mix everything. Leave it out in the sun for at least two hours, more if you like.
After it is done charging, hold the jar over your heart and say:
Though its light may fade away,
Summer sun is here to stay.
If you have the wax, melt it and seal it now.
To Use: When you are cold or just need positivity, hold it over your heart and visualize warmth and hope radiating out. It can be used more than once.
Note: You may want to strain it after a week to prevent mold. This will not affect the spell in any way. It has already absorbed all of the properties.
#512 - Simple Curse
I'm not all "for" curses, but it's your right to do them! If someone has wronged you to the point that you wish for revenge, but you don't want to intervene, it makes sense as to why you would want to perform one.
Here's my simple lemon curse.
- Prepare your space. Cast a circle, light the candle, whatever you desire.
- Cut the lemon in half.
- Get the photo of the person and fix it to the lemon.
- Stab the nail into the photo, attaching it to the lemon half. Let out some anger while you do this.
- Pass the lemon over the black candle, and chant: "I ask that these ingredients cause great misfortune to [person], A lemon, to make their life sour, A nail, to leave a wretched impact on them, And a flame, to cause destruction. I pour my intent into these words."
- Bury the lemon half in the dirt outside. Take the leftover half and squeeze it, then throw it away.
Last edited on Jun 08, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#513 - Accepting a Difficult Situation
Take your piece of paper and writing utensil, and scribble on it to express those built up feelings. If you don't want to scribble, then crumble up the paper. Feel the negative energy from your situation transfer into the paper. Say this spell:
Let the powers of the universe open my mind, let them travel to my memories of a harsher time. This event will no longer be the anchor attached to my life, nor the pain similar to which is caused by a knife. Acceptance is in my soul and let forgiveness take its toll. by the power of three times three, so mote it be.
Then light the paper on fire and watch the smoke disappear into air, watch those negative feelings attached to that memory disappear into the universe.
#514 - Calming Potion
The tension will slowly ebb away from your body, and you will feel relaxed and refreshed.
Add the herbs and honey
Add some more water
Stir well until the honey is completely gone
Let it soak for 1 hour
Put into a strainer and strain into the jar
When you feel tense, or unrelaxed in the body, grab out the bottle and use a sponge to apply some to your body.
When you feel tense and unrelaxed in the mind, grab out your jar and have three teaspoons, until you feel your tension ebb away.
#515 - ressurrection
now im here with no fear
start resurrection for my soul to cheer
now i awake in the moon light
let my spirit soar to new height
bless it be 3x3
p.s no consequences
no personal gain.
#516 - Weight Loss Spell ~My Spell~
Hold the fruit up to you and imagine
your new body and also throughout
the spell. Imagine a bite is a pound
Say this spell 3x before eating the fruit
I call on the magickal nature
To help me lose weight
To help me on my weight loss journey
I wish to lose (number) pounds in
(the time you choose)
That is my goal
Which turns into a wish
That I want granted
That I want (how you want your body to be)
So it shall be
Magickal nature, please help me.
So mote it be
On the number, you choose how much lbs you want to
On the time you choose you put how many days
you want the spell to work
On how you want your body to be, you choose
the details like flat abs, slim legs, etc
#517 - Vampire Diaries Werewolf Transformation
Go outside in a full moon and say outloud 3x:
"Spirits of the moon I call on you tonight to take the curse of a werewolf. I shall transform every full moon.The transformation shall be painful, every bone in my body will break. I shall transform into a wolf every full moon. I shall not be able to turn back to normal untill 1 hour of the transformation. In human form I shall have retractable fangs. My eyes shall glow bright yellow when I get angry. I shall have super strength, speed, agility and senses in both wolf and human form. This is my will so mote it be!!!
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#518 - The Vampire Diaries Heretic Spell ~2017~ (Vampire and witch)
''spirits of the un-dead and ancestors i ask you this very night to please turn me into both vampire and a witch. i wish to be a heretic like the ones in the tv show the vampire diaries. I shall have retractable fangs My eyes shall be red with veins under my eyes when im hungry for blood. I shall be able to turn my emotions on and off whenever i wish to. I shall have super speed,strength,agility and senses. I shall have immortality and full control over my blood rush. i shall have mind control as well as deam manipulation and be able to heal humans with my blood. My weakness will be the sunlight. The sunlight shall not burn if im wearing this (jewerly u chose) on. this is who i was meant to be both a vampire and a witch.This is my will so mote it be!!!''
This spell should work in an hour to a few days.
Good Luck:)
#519 - Bendy spell
1.Draw a pentagram in the paper and draw bendy middle pentagram.
2.Cover the whole paper in ink.
3.Say the spell 5 times: half ink,half demon,I will be like bendy,melt when angry,scared or worried,re-grow limbs,immortal,A demon from hell,this is my wish,SO MOTE IT BE
#520 - Power of 3 healing spell
Light each candle and focus on the person who is sick. Think about them being healthy and free of their symptoms. Picture them strongly in your mind as the candles burn. Repeat the following three times:
Magick mend and candle burn,
Illness leave and health return
Leave the candles to burn for 3 hours, then snuff them out. Your subject should soon start to improve, but you can add some extra power to your spell if you do the entire ritual for 3 nights in a row rather than just once.