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27 Beauty Spells from The Immortal's Keep

27 Beauty Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Included in this list of 27 Beauty Spells
  1. Healing the Body
  2. Fertility
  3. Drawing Out a Latent Talent
  4. A- Medication Spell
  5. A-Light Spell
  6. To get Rid of Warts
  7. Herbal Charm to Attract Love
  8. To Find a New Lover
  9. To Strengthen Attraction
  10. Have a Person Think About You
#11 - #20

#11 - Healing the Body

This spell works on a simple principle, that of identifying within the body whether the pain it is suffering is physical, emotional or, as is often the case, has a more deep-rooted spiritual component. It uses visualization and colour as its vehicles and calls on Raphael the Archangel of Healing for help.
You may need:

  • Large piece of paper
  • Red, yellow and purple felt tip pens
  • Black marker pen
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    You may need:

  • Large piece of paper
  • Red, yellow and purple felt tip pens
  • Black marker pen
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    Draw three concentric circles. The inner one should be purple, the middle yellow and the outer red. Add a circle for the head and lines for the legs, so you have drawn a representation of yourself.

    Now, thinking of any health difficulties you have, with the black marker put a small mark on the drawn body to represent that pain. Keep your pen in contact with the paper and ask Raphael for help. You might say: "Raphael, Raphael, Angel of ease. Help me to understand this pain please"

    You should find that your mark is closer to one circle than the other. Remembering that this method is not a self-diagnostic tool at all it is simply designed to help you to come to terms with the pain or difficulty note which colour this is:

    • Red represents pain which is purely physical
    • Yellow usually signifies an emotional cause
    • Purple tends to have a more spiritual basis

    Sit quietly and draw that colour into yourself as though you were marking within your body where the pain is. Next mentally flood that part of your body with white light. For the next two days sit quietly and make the invocation to Raphael again.

    Repeat the drawing in of colour and the flooding with white light. At the end of that time you should begin tohave an understanding of the causes of your pain and how your body is reacting to trauma.

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    #12 - Fertility

    This spell uses symbolism in the use of the fig and egg, but also ancient methods of acknowledgement in the offering to the Earth Mother for fertility. Crops were often offered to the goddess in the hope of a good harvest and in this spell that hope is for new life. The spell is best done at the time of the New Moon or in spring time when the Goddess of Fertility is commemorated.
    You may need:

  • Frankincense and sandalwood incense
  • White candle
  • A fig (fresh if possible)
  • A fresh egg
  • A clear glass bowl
  • A marker pen
  • Your boline
  • A trowel
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    You may need:

  • Frankincense and sandalwood incense
  • White candle
  • A fig (fresh if possible)
  • A fresh egg
  • A clear glass bowl
  • A marker pen
  • Your boline
  • A trowel
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    Light your incense and the candle. Put the egg on the left and the fig on the right, the bowl in the middle. Draw a symbol of your child on the egg.

    Very carefully break the egg into the bowl and place the empty shell on the left side again. Make a small cut in the fig with your boline and carefully scrape the seeds into the bowl.

    Place the remains of the fig into the egg shell to represent the physical baby within the womb and again replace it on the left side.

    With your finger, stir the contents of the bowl clockwise three times and say:

    "As these two become one
    May the Goddess and the God
    Bless our union with child"

    Leave the bowl in the middle and allow the candle to burn out. Take the bowl and the eggshell with its contents to a place where you can safely bury them. (Your own garden is good if you have one otherwise a quiet secluded spot.)

    Place the eggshell in the ground and pour -over it the contents of the bowl. As you cover it with earth say:

    "I offer to Mother Earth
    A symbol of fertility
    In love and gratitude for her bounty"

    Now await developments without anxiety.

    This spell is full of symbolism. The fig represents not only fertility, but also is thought to feed the psyche that part of us that some call the soul. The egg is an ancient symbol of fertility and indeed of the beginning of life. Bringing the two together acknowledges your sense of responsibility for the continuation of life

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    #13 - Drawing Out a Latent Talent

    This charm is to bring out an existing talent and develop a potential, not give you one you don’t already have. If you have a secret ambition you might try this spell. It uses herbs as its vehicle and could be done at the time of the Crescent Moon.
    You may need:

  • A small drawstring bag about 10 cms (3 inches)
  • Liquorice root powder
  • Rose hips
  • Fennel
  • Catnip
  • Elderflower
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    You may need:

  • A small drawstring bag about 10 cms (3 inches)
  • Liquorice root powder
  • Rose hips
  • Fennel
  • Catnip
  • Elderflower
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    Put a pinch or two of the liquorice root, rose -hips, fennel, catnip and elderflower in the bag. Once assembled, hang the bag outdoors at -dusk. At midnight, remove the bag and place it -around your neck. If you like you can make -an affirmation before you sleep. Say these words or similar:

    "As I sleep, I shall learn of my best potential".

    You must then wear the charm bag for a full twenty-four hours to allow the spell to work. After that time you can place the charm bag under your pillow the night before anything important is to happen when you feel youneed some extra help in reaching your goals. Sleeping and dreaming are often the best way we have of self-development. Most of us have secret ambitions but are prevented by doubts from succeeding. This spell helps to make those fears irrelevant.

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    #14 - A- Medication Spell

    As you begin to understand colour correspondences, you can begin to use them in spells to keep you well. Many people have to take medication of one sort or another and this spell helps to enhance the action of your particular one. It does mean that you must take your medication at the times given by your health practitioner but you can add additional potency.
    You may need:

  • Your given medication
  • Healing incense (mixture of rosemary and juniper)
  • Anointing oil
  • Square of purple cloth
  • White candle
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    You may need:

  • Your given medication
  • Healing incense (mixture of rosemary and juniper)
  • Anointing oil
  • Square of purple cloth
  • White candle
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    Anoint your candle with the oil. Light your candle. Light the incense and allow the smoke to -surround you. Sit quietly and imagine that you are well. Really feel what it is like to be functioning -fully. Sense how the medication will help you.

    Pick up your medication and allow the -healing energy to flow through you to the -medication. When you feel it is charged sufficiently put it -on the purple cloth and leave it there until the-incense and the candle have burnt out. As you take your medication in future -visualize the link between it and you as it helps to alleviate whatever your problemsare.

    You can further help yourself if, before you -take your prescription to the pharmacist, you place it under a white candle and ask for it to be blessed.

    Do please remember that this technique is not a substitute for medication. You are asking for help in healing yourself and using everything that is available to you. The spell is designed to enhance the healing energy so that you can make maximum use of it. In working in this way you will also be enabled to do all you can to make adjustments in lifestyle and diet.

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    #15 - A-Light Spell

    This spell enables us to practice in the safety of our sacred space, before venturing out into the everyday world. It is not so much a healing technique as an energising one. The closer we come to an understanding of the powers that we use, the less we need protection and the more we can become a source of spiritual energy for others
    You may need:

  • As many white candles as feels right
  • Equivalent number of holders
  • Anointing oil of frankincense
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    You may need:

  • As many white candles as feels right
  • Equivalent number of holders
  • Anointing oil of frankincense
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    Anoint the candles from middle to bottom-then from middle to top. This is so you achieve a balance of physical and spiritual energy. Place the candles in the holders on the floor in a circle about six feet in diameter.

    Standing in the circle, light the candles in a clockwise direction. Stand in the centre of the circle and draw the energy of the light towards you. Feel the energy as it seeps throughout the whole of your body, from your feet to your -head. Allow the energy to spill over from the crown of your head to fill the space around you.

    Now, visualize this cocoon of light around -you gently radiating outwards to the edge of your circle of candles. When you feel ready, sit on the floor and allow the energy of the light to settle back -within you. Ground yourself by sweeping your body -with your hands in the shape of the above figure, but do not lose the sense of increased energy. Snuff out the candles in a clockwise direction, and use them only to repeat this technique until they are used up.

    Gradually, as you become used to the sense of increased energy, you should find that you are more able to cope with difficulties and to become more dynamic in the everyday world. It will become easier to carry the light within you not just within the circle of candles, and you may find that you perceive more ways in which you can help the world go round.

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    #16 - To get Rid of Warts

    Warts have been said to be the mark of magic so you may wear yours with pride! If you find them unsightly then try this simple, safe spell from folklore. Ideally done at the time of the Waning Moon, this spell involves no pain and should not leave any trace of the wart.
    You may need:

  • Higher vibration incense such as sandalwood
  • Coin for each wart
  • Spade or trowel
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    You may need:

  • Higher vibration incense such as sandalwood
  • Coin for each wart
  • Spade or trowel
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    Light the incense. Prepare your coin by holding it in the incense -smoke for no more than half a minute. Charge the coin with your personal energy. Rub the coin on the wart saying these words -in your head for as long as you feel is needed:

    "Blemish begone, do not return

    Leave no scar nor mark nor burn".

    Visualize the wart transferring to the coin. When this is done bury the coin in the earth, -this time saying the above words out loud. Forget about the coin and within a calendar month the wart should be gone.

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    #17 - Herbal Charm to Attract Love

    This is a charm that uses both colour, herbs and knots in its fashioning. Love is always of interest, but do remember that you need to be clear in your aspirations. Numbers are also used, seven being a particularly potent one.
    You may need:

  • Acacia, rose, myrtle, jasmine or lavender petals,
  • A red heart cut from paper or felt
  • Copper coin or ring
  • A circle of rose or red coloured cloth
  • Blue thread or ribbon
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    You may need:

  • Acacia, rose, myrtle, jasmine or lavender petals,
  • A red heart cut from paper or felt
  • Copper coin or ring
  • A circle of rose or red coloured cloth
  • Blue thread or ribbon
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    Place the petals, heart and coin or ring on the cloth and visualize the type of lover you are -looking for. Tie the cloth into a pouch with the blue thread -or ribbon, using seven knots. As you tie the knots you may chant an -incantation, such as:

    "Seven knots I tie above,
    Seven knots for me and love".

    Hang the pouch close to your pillow and -await results. This charm is designed to draw someone towards you and does not guarantee that you will necessarily fall madly in love with the person who comes along- you have simply made yourself attractive to them.If this is so then be prepared to let the other persondown gently.

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    #18 - To Find a New Lover

    Best if performed at the time of the New Moon. You use everything new so that you change the vibration and can look forward with hope. It is representational and is carried out at the time of the New Moon for the same reason.
    You may need:

  • Heart shaped rose petal or a red heart cut out of paper.
  • Clean sheet of White Paper
  • New Pen
  • New Candle (preferably pink)
  • New Envelope
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    You may need:

  • Heart shaped rose petal or a red heart cut out of paper.
  • Clean sheet of White Paper
  • New Pen
  • New Candle (preferably pink)
  • New Envelope
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    • On the day of a New Moon, cut a red heart out of paper or card.
    • Take the paper and with the pen write on it:

    As this heart shines in candlelight,

    I draw you to me tonight

    Bathe and change into nightclothes.

    • When you feel ready, light the candle and

    read the invocation out loud.

    • Hold the heart in front of the flame and let thecandlelight shine on it.
    • Place the heart and spell in the envelope.
    • Seal it with wax from the candle.
    • Conceal the envelope and leave it untouchedfor one cycle of the Moon (28 days).
    • By the time the Moon is New again, thereshould be new love in your life.

    So many need companionship and partnership to boost their feeling of self-worth that to do a spell likethis means, as always, that one must be willing to take on everything that a partnership brings.

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    #19 - To Strengthen Attraction

    If you love someone but feel that they are not reciprocating, try this spell. Be aware though,that by using this spell you are trying to have a direct effect upon the other person. You are using representational magic because the hair stands for the person you are hoping to influence.
    You may need:

  • A few strands of the persons hair
  • A rose scented incense stick
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    You may need:

  • A few strands of the persons hair
  • A rose scented incense stick
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    Light the incense. Repeat the name of the one you long forseveral times, saying each time: "(Name), love me now".

    Hold the hair on the burning incense until it frizzles away. As the hair burns, think of their indifference dissipating and being replaced by passion. Leave the incense to burn out.

    Before you perform this you should have tried to workout why the other person feels indifferent and consider whether what you are proposing is appropriate. If, for instance, the person you want to attract has not learnt how to commit to a relationship,it would be unfair to try and influence them.

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    #20 - Have a Person Think About You

    This spell works over time. A relationship that grows slowly generally has more chance of success than a whirlwind romance and that is what is represented here. Small seeds represent the many facets of a relationship. The spell is done as the Moon is growing in power
    You may need:

  • Packet of seeds of your choice
  • Pot of soil (to grow them)
  • A small copper object such as a penny
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    You may need:

  • Packet of seeds of your choice
  • Pot of soil (to grow them)
  • A small copper object such as a penny
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    On a night when the Moon is waxing, go outside and hold the penny in the moonlight. Bury the penny in the soil in the pot. Sprinkle the seeds on top to form the initial of the other persons name.

    As the seeds germinate, love should also grow. Remember that just as plants need nurturing so does love, so you will need to look after the growing seeds.

    It is said that the plants will grow and flourish if the love is meant to be, but will wither and die if there is no real energy in the relationship. For those who are not very good at plant-care, you might choose to put a reminder to nurture somewhere prominent.

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    Last edited on Sep 18, 2016
    Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.

    27 Beauty Spells from The Immortal's Keep
    #11 - #20