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27 Health Spells from The Immortal's Keep

27 Health Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Included in this list of 27 Health Spells
  1. To Give Encouragement
  2. To Help Make a Decision
  3. A-Healing Technique for Someone Else
  4. Sleep Well
  5. Moon Wishes
  6. Isis Girdle( Energy Spell)
  7. Radiant Health
  8. To Cure Sickness
  9. Purifying Emotions
  10. Physical Body Change
#1 - #10
#21 - #27

#1 - To Give Encouragement

This is a spell which enables you to work with someone without them necessarily knowing what you are doing. This is used only for positive encouragement or to let someone know that you care about them and what they do. Anything else will rebound on you threefold
You may need:

  • A jade, rose quartz or amethyst crystal
  • Frankincense
  • Oil burner
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    You may need:

  • A jade, rose quartz or amethyst crystal
  • Frankincense
  • Oil burner
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    Light the burner. Pour a little additional oil into your hand and rub your hands together to raise power. Hold the crystal in your most powerful hand and pass it through the fumes from the oil burner three times.

    Face the direction you know the recipient to be. "Say Goddess of Love, Goddess of Power, Hear me now as I thee implore. Help (name) to do what they must. Create the conditions for their success".

    Build up a ball of energy around the crystal until it is as powerful as you can make it. Place the crystal by the side of your bed, directing the energy of the ball towards the recipient and know that it will be transmitted to the recipient as self-confidence for the task in hand.

    Visualize the person concerned standing tall and confident in a shaft of light stretching from the crystal to them. Next morning, wash the crystal under running water and store until it is needed or give it to the person concerned. This spell works because you have no expectations. Your gift of encouragement is freely given without thought of reward. The payoff comes when you see the recipient succeed in their own way.

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    #2 - To Help Make a Decision

    This spell uses colour and candles to allow you to make a decision over two opposing outcomes. You are in a sense taking the dilemma to the highest authority in order for the best outcome to become apparent. Do the spell at the time of the New Moon if there is a new beginning involved.
    You may need:

  • Two yellow candles
  • White candle or your astrological candle
  • Length of purple ribbon
  • Two pieces of paper
  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • Two yellow candles
  • White candle or your astrological candle
  • Length of purple ribbon
  • Two pieces of paper
  • Pen
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    This spell takes three days to do in total.

    Place the white candle on the exact middle of the ribbon. This ribbon signifies the highest possible spiritually-correct energy. Place the two yellow candles either end of the ribbon. Write the two possible outcomes on the pieces of paper and fold them separately.

    Place these two papers under the yellow candles on top of the ribbon. Light the middle (white) candle first and then the two outer (yellow) ones. Acknowledge the fact that you will be extinguishing them as part of the spell. Burn the candles for at least an hour, so that a link is properly made. Consider both decisions carefully.

    Snuff the candles out and next day move the papers and the outer candles closer to the middle candle. Roll the ribbon in towards the centre against the candle bases. Relight the candles and again burn for at least an hour, considering your options carefully.

    Each day repeat until all the candles are grouped together. (This should take at least three days, and, if time allows, longer.) Ensure that you have at least an hours burning time left for the final day.

    Allow the candles to burn out and within three days you should find it easy to make a decision. This process allows due consideration of all the pros and cons of the various options. It provides the energy for the correct decision and allows you to be rational and objective while still taking account of the emotional aspect.

    It keeps your mind focused on the matter in hand. You do not then stand in your own light get in the way of your own success.

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    #3 - A-Healing Technique for Someone Else

    There is a whole art in knot tying which-actually arose among the Celtic people and-later became an illustrative art. If you are able-to do it the reef-knot - beloved of scouts and-woodcrafters - is the ideal knot for this spell,-since it will not come undone. Tying a knot can-also be used as healing for someone else.
    You may need:

  • A length of grass, string or ribbon
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    You may need:

  • A length of grass, string or ribbon
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    This requires you to tie a double knot in your chosen material. In using material which will-return to the earth and rot away you must also think of the pain or difficulty as dissolving.

    Tie one knot going first from left to right and saying words such as: "Pain be-gone. Its now withdrawn"

    Now tie a knot in the opposite direction and use words such as: "This pain is held; Its effects dispelled"

    Now bury the knot, preferably well away from the person concerned. As you bury it, give a blessing such as: "Bless this place and make it pure. Ill gone for good we now ensure"

    Now you can leave nature to do its work.

    In this spell you tie your knot with the idea of binding the pain and then getting rid of it. This maybe a slow process if the condition is a long standing-one and sometimes we have to remember that there are spiritual lessons to be learned through sickness. Obviously the person concerned should also have medical help, so part of your responsibility is to ensure that this happens. Do not feel that the spell has failed if changes are not seen; they may be taking place at a much deeper level. Follow this with the witches ladder

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    #4 - Sleep Well

    Smoky quartz is sometimes known as the ‘Dream Stone’. It is an able tool for meditation, and helps you to explore your inner self by penetrating the darker areas with light and love. Because of this, it is effective in releasing negativities like grief, anger and despair by removing depression. It is mildly sedative and relaxing and a good balancer of sexual energy. The cairngorm stone beloved of the Scots, which we have seen in the section on the Evil Eye, is a form of smoky quartz.
    You may need:

  • Piece of smoky quartz
  • Piece of paper
  • Pen
  • Your bed
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    You may need:

  • Piece of smoky quartz
  • Piece of paper
  • Pen
  • Your bed
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    When you have prepared your sleep environment, sit quietly holding the smoky-quartz and bring to mind any old hurts, anger,depression and difficulties you may have. Do not be afraid that doing this will bring on depression, because with this technique you-are aiming to rid yourself of the depression these things bring.

    Put aside the quartz for the moment and write down on the paper all that you have considered and thought about. Now pass the quartz three times over the bed to absorb any negativity. You might use the sign of infinity from top to bottom.

    Wrap the paper round the quartz and place it under your pillow with the intent that it will help you to overcome your pain and hurt. Go to sleep, and in the morning, remove the paper and dispose of it by tearing it up and flushing it away or burning it.

    If you wish you can repeat the process for the next two nights, by which time you should find you feel much relieved. Finally cleanse the stone under running water and keep until you need it again or dispose of-it

    Another use for smoky quartz is to reflect an-intrusive energy back to the person concerned. If you are receiving unwanted attention from someone,place a piece of smoky quartz or cairngorm in your-window and know that you can sleep protected.

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    #5 - Moon Wishes

    This spell uses candles and meditation. It can be done at both New and Full Moon, and uses the Moon’s energy. By meditating before you sleep you are opening yourself up to allowing the influences from your Higher Self – the part which knows what is right for you – to come through.
    You may need:

  • Five white candles
  • A coloured candle of your choice (perhaps
  • representing the wish or perhaps in the colour of
  • your astrological sign)
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    You may need:

  • Five white candles
  • A coloured candle of your choice (perhaps
  • representing the wish or perhaps in the colour of
  • your astrological sign)
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    Clear your mind of all clutter or meditate for a short time to be sure you have clarified your wishes. Place the white candles in the shape of a pentagram where they can burn safely. Alternatively, if you prefer, light them according to the connecting lines of the pentagram again starting at the top.

    As you do so say:
    "Moon above which glows so bright
    Guard my sleep so deep tonight
    I pray to you with this request
    My life works out at my behest."

    Allow the candles to burn for at least half an hour before putting them out and composing yourself for sleep. The next morning light the other candle and meditate or contemplate your wishes for another thirty minutes. Spend some time visualizing what life will be -like when your wishes are granted. Repeat this whole procedure for the next -three nights.

    Finally, on the fourth morning, relight all of -the candles and allow them to burn out while-you play some rousing music that means something to you. In the last hour while the candles are still burning reconsider your wishes and make any adjustments to them which seem realistic.

    This spell does take some time to complete and also-requires that you spend a fair length of time in-contemplation. This does mean however that you-can be realistic in your expectations and there-should be few blocks to achieving what you want.There is little need to be frivolous.

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    #6 - Isis Girdle( Energy Spell)

    This spell is one based on knot magic and is used to ensure that your energy is at the right level for your magical work. Buckles, belts or girdles were often associated with Isis or Venus and therefore aspects of femininity. They represent physical well-being and moral strength. It can be performed on a Wednesday.
    You may need:

  • 3 lengths of cord about 3 metres (9 feet) each
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    You may need:

  • 3 lengths of cord about 3 metres (9 feet) each
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    Decide before you begin the purpose of your girdle. To specifically use one for health issues you might choose the colour blue, or to work from-a spiritual perspective choose purple orwhite. Begin braiding the cord and as you do so bear in mind that you are fashioning three aspects-of self, body mind and spirit to become one-source of power in all that you do. In this way the braid becomes an extension of -you and also a protector of your being.

    Call on the power of Isis as you do so to give you strength and determination. Tie a knot in both ends to tie in the power. Now consecrate the girdle by holding it in-your left hand and circling it three time-santiclockwise with your most powerful hand,while saying words such as:

    "Isis, Mistress of the words of power
    Cleanse this girdle for my use"

    See it surrounded by bright light and glowing brightly. Let the image fade. Next circle the girdle clockwise three times -with your power hand and say:

    "Isis, Goddess of the Throne
    Protect me from all ill"

    Again perceive the girdle surrounded by light. Next put the girdle round your waist and say:

    "Isis, Goddess of Perceived Truth
    Thy wisdom is reality"

    In future, each time you put on the girdle you-should be able to sense the energy, giving you the power to carry out your chosen task.

    This is quite a powerful spell to do. Not only does it-protect you from illness, it also prepares you to be-able to help others as they require it. Since Isis rules-intuition, you find that you are in a better position-to understand others pain and distress.

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    #7 - Radiant Health

    This spell uses invocation to enable a person to attain and maintain radiant and perpetual health. You can enhance the energy by finding an open space, free of pollution. and using sunlight, moonlight, wind or rain as part of the process. Sunday is an ideal day to perform this spell as this is the day that health matters are highlighted.
    You may need:

  • Coriander seeds
  • A small muslin bag
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    You may need:

  • Coriander seeds
  • A small muslin bag
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    In your sacred space or the open space, first-sense your own aura - your subtle energies -which make you unique. Hold your hands over your heart area and -then move them down to just below your-solar plexus. You should sense a change in energy in your hands.

    This is the point in your body sometimes -called the point of power, the place where -your life energy resides. Now, facing the east with your arms spread -wide and the palms of your hands upwards, say the following:

    "Great God of the Heavens, and Lord of All Power,
    Grant me the right to feel and perceive
    the true life force that is mine,
    So that I may have everlasting well being.
    Grant me, O Great God, this favour".

    Now run your hands around your body from top to toe in a sweeping motion, not quite touching your body. Raise your arms again and visualize the Universal healing energy sweeping towards you as you repeat the incantation above.

    Take a deep breath, visualizing and feeling the energy being drawn in and down to the -solar plexus. As you slowly exhale, see the energy travelling to your extremities and filling you -with power and healing. Do this at least three times or for up to fifteen -minutes at a time.

    Place your hands on your point of power and repeat the incantation a third time, this time-sensing the energy settling into your point of power. If you are in an open space become aware of -the power of sunlight, moonlight, wind or rain. Finally take a ritual bath into which you have -put the coriander seeds.

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    #8 - To Cure Sickness

    Knot magic is good for getting rid of illnesses; this spell is one that will help to do this. It works on the principle of binding the illness into the cord, so is a form of sympathetic magic combined with positive thought.
    You may need:

  • 20 cm (8 inch) length of cord
  • Pen and paper
  • Container of salt
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    You may need:

  • 20 cm (8 inch) length of cord
  • Pen and paper
  • Container of salt
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    Mark the cord six times so that you have seven equal lengths. Take a few deep breaths and feel your energy connecting with the earth. Repeat the following words six times and tie -a knot in the cord each time:

    "Sickness, no one bids you stay.
    Its time for you to fade away.
    Through these knots I bid you leave,
    By these words which I do weave".

    Put the cord in the container of salt- (this -represents burying in the earth). Create a seal for the container with the above incantation written on the paper. Dispose of the container, perhaps in running water.

    The number six has particular relevance here: it iswidely accepted as the number of the Sun, which is-restorative and regenerative.

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    #9 - Purifying Emotions

    This spell is one that helps you to release negativity and distress that may build up when you do not feel that you are in control of your life. It uses the four Elements to do this and may be performed on any evening during a Waning Moon. It has been kept deliberately simple so that you can spend more time in learning how to make your emotions work for you rather than letting them overwhelm you.
    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Bowl of water
  • Bowl of salt
  • Dried herbs (such as sage for wisdom)
  • Vessel in which the herbs can be burned
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Bowl of water
  • Bowl of salt
  • Dried herbs (such as sage for wisdom)
  • Vessel in which the herbs can be burned
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    Stand in your sacred space, light the candle and say: "I call upon the Elements in this simple ceremony that I may be cleansed from the contamination of negativity".

    Wave your hand quickly over or through the flame and say: "I willingly release negative action in my fire".

    Rub the salt on your hands and say: "I release stumbling blocks and obstacles in my earth".

    Put the herbs in the container and light them. Wave the smoke in front of you, inhale the perfume as it burns and say: "I clear my air of unwise thoughts".

    Dip your hands in the water and say: "I purify this water. Let this relinquishing be gentle. Purified, cleansed and released in all ways, I now acknowledge my trust and faith in my own clarity".

    Spend a little time thinking about the next few weeks to come. Recognize that there may be times when you need the clarity you have just requested. Now dispose of the ingredients immediately in the following way:

    Put the salt in with the ashes then pour the -water on the ground so that it mingles with -the ashes and salt. It is often helpful to find some sort of ceremonial way of releasing energy which enables you to let go of an old situation which is still troubling you. A good-time to do this is just before a New Moon, so that you-can begin a fresh cycle with renewed vigour.

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    #10 - Physical Body Change

    In this spell you use the power of the crystal to make changes. By bringing the problem into the open you are creating a way to a change on an inner level which brings healing with it. This can be done at the time of the New Moon.
    You may need:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen Quartz
  • crystal String
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    You may need:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen Quartz
  • crystal String
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    Take the piece of paper and write your name on it. Draw on it what part of the body you want changed and what you want to look like. If you want to change more than one area, -draw the whole body and mark what you -would like to change. Hold the paper in your hands and imagine -the body-part changing from what it looks like now to what you want it to look like.

    Fold the paper up any way you like and tie it to the crystal. Once more visualize the body part changing again. When you feel that changes are taking place, untie the string, tear the paper up and scatter it to the wind. If you wish, you can bury the crystal to signify the fact that you have internalized the -changes you have made.

    This spell is very good for changing aspects you dont like. It may take a few days or even longer to see results, so please be patient. The spell should not be used to try to heal conditions of a medical nature

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    Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.

    27 Health Spells from The Immortal's Keep
    #1 - #10
    #21 - #27