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64 Love Spells from The Immortal's Keep

64 Love Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Included in this list of 64 Love Spells
  1. To Attract Pixies
  2. Spell for the Garden
  3. Feast of Divine Life
  4. Sanctifying of the Moon
  5. To Engender Friendship
  6. Willow Spells
  7. Pendulum
  8. To Find a Lost Object
  9. Magical Writing
  10. Moon Power
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
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#1 - To Attract Pixies

This spell helps attract pixies.
You may need:

  • A plant, grass or something connected to nature
  • Milk
  • Bread
  • Sugar
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    You may need:

  • A plant, grass or something connected to nature
  • Milk
  • Bread
  • Sugar
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    Put Milk into a small bowl or container. Add the sugar ontop of the bread and break into small pieces. Place the milk and bread at your door, window or garden. Then chant...

    "Come to me,
    Come to me
    From the sky on honey bee,
    For in this place you are safe from harm,
    Grace me with your Pixie Charm."

    Like other beings trust is key, Pixie's need to trust you to show themselves and it may not always work the first time.

    Added to on May 16, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
    Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.

    #2 - Spell for the Garden

    If you have a garden it is a nice idea to acknowledge the four directions and to make it as much a sacred space as you can. We do this by using the correspondences of the four Elements. Once the garden is blessed it can be used for any of the Sun, Moon and Nature rituals you find appropriate.
    You may need:

  • A compass
  • Garden flares or citronella candles
  • Solar fountain or birdbath
  • Wind chimes or child’s windmill
  • Small collection of stones and pebbles
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    You may need:

  • A compass
  • Garden flares or citronella candles
  • Solar fountain or birdbath
  • Wind chimes or child’s windmill
  • Small collection of stones and pebbles
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    Consecrate the objects. Place the objects in the correct positions asking for a blessing as you place each one. You might call on the Spirits of the Elements, the Nature Spirits or on your best loved deity.

    Finally, stand in the middle of your garden, raise your arms and say: "Gaia, Gaia, Mother of all; Bless this ground on thee I call. Make it safe for all within. Peace and tranquillity may it bring". Obviously you may use your own words if you wish.

    Spin round three times to seal the energy, then sit on the ground and appreciate the newfound energy. If you have very little space, we suggest that you combine all of the elements in a terracotta solar fountain and place it in the East. Terracotta represents Earth, the solar aspects suggests Fire, the fountain Water and the East the Element of Air.

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    #3 - Feast of Divine Life

    All agrarian societies celebrate harvest time – the time of abundance. The Egyptian Feast of Divine Life celebrated the moon and the belief that it provided the Waters of Life. Nowadays we recognize the cycle of life the wheel of the cosmos as it turns. We can still honour the Triple Goddess in all her forms – Maid, Mother and Crone – as was done of old. At the time of the harvest she is honoured more as the fertile mother.
    You may need:

  • Green candle
  • Yellow candle
  • Cauldron
  • Wand
  • Three symbols of a fruitful harvest
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    You may need:

  • Green candle
  • Yellow candle
  • Cauldron
  • Wand
  • Three symbols of a fruitful harvest
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    Prepare your sacred space as usual, including your altar and say: "The harvest is now done.A peaceful winter lies before us.Dark and light strike a balance.Thanks be to the Triple Goddess".Light the coloured candles.

    Carrying the candles, move clockwise around the ritual area, commencing and completing in the East. At each cardinal point, pause and say: "Triple Goddess, bless the years harvest that I bring".

    Place the candles safely and alight on the altar. Tap the cauldron three times with your wand and place the symbols in the cauldron then say:"Life brings death, brings life. The wheel of the cosmos turns never-ending. The negative is replaced by the positive. I honour the Triple Goddess, Harvesting my thoughts I honour the Triple Goddess."

    Meditate for as long as feels comfortable then close the circle. When you have finished, be sure to share the harvestwith others of the Goddesses creatures. You might like to bury the apple near an apple or fruit tree as an offering, to scatter the bread for the birds and to scatter herbs if you have used them on waste ground.

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    Last edited on Sep 26, 2016
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    #4 - Sanctifying of the Moon

    There is a ceremony or ritual which belongs to the Jewish heritage and which honours the New Moon in a very specific way.
    You may need:

  • Your voice
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    You may need:

  • Your voice
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    • After the third day of the New Moon every Jew should, either alone or along with their whole congregation, salute the Moon with a prayer. They should go together to a place where they can see the Moon best and from there look up at the Moon.
    • The words to be repeated are:

    Blessed art thou. O Lord our God, King of the World, Who with his Words created the heavens and with the breath of his Mouth the heavenly Hosts: A Statute and a Time he gave unto them, that they should not vary from their Orders, They were glad and they rejoiced to obey the Will of their Maker, The Maker is true and his Works are true: And unto the Moon, he said that she shall monthly renew her crown and her Beauty toward the Fruit of the Womb For they hereafter shall be renewed unto her, To beautify unto their Creator for the Glory of his Name and of his Kingdom Blessed art thou, O Lord, the Renewer of the Months. Then say three times: Blessed is thy Former, blessed is thy Maker, blessed is thy Purchaser, blessed is thy Creator.

    Next, rise up onto the toes and say three times: As well I jump towards thee and cannot reach to touch thee, so shall none of mine enemies be able to touch me for harm.
    Then say three times:

    "Fear and Dread shall fall upon them, By the Greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as a stone. As a stone they shall be still by thy Arms Greatness; Dread and fear on them shall fall."

    Then following words should then be said three times to each other:

    "Peace unto ye, unto ye peace, David, King of Israel liveth and subsisteth. "

    This acknowledgement of the Moons validity was an important part of ancient Jewish thought. The words are not a spell in the true sense of the word, but they are still truly potent.

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    Last edited on Sep 27, 2016
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    #5 - To Engender Friendship

    When we meet new people we do not always know quite how they will perceive us, so this is a good spell to help us be open to new experiences but also to protect ourselves from unwarranted intrusion. You need good powers of visualisation, and little else.
    You may need:

  • A new experience
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    You may need:

  • A new experience
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    • Before you are in a situation where you may be meeting new people or experiencing something new find a quiet place.
    • Stand with your feet about 18 inches apart so you are well grounded.
    • Visualize a bright light rising like a mist from around your feet and flowing up round you till it reaches above your head.
    • Think of this as your protective cloak and be aware that only you can give permission for it to be penetrated in any way - emotionally or psychically.
    • Say: I protect myself from harm .
    • Now bring a similar light down round you from above being aware that this light will bring out the best qualities in you and say: I now shine and so charm Lastly see the two lights and mists intermingling so that you sense your own energy field around you and know you are presenting a true picture to the outside world.
    • You can now go forward confidently into your new situation, telling yourself that you are the most noticeable/vibrant/happy person there. This spell does not mean that you are arrogant or pushy, it is simply a technique to create a persona that is warm and welcoming to other people. It means that they see you as you really are, but also means you are in control of any situation which may arise.

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    #6 - Willow Spells

    You can use knots to ‘fix’ a spell – that is to hold energy to prevent something from happening or to release energy so that it happens at a chosen time. You may use string, ribbon or perhaps, more effectively, living natural grasses. Willow withies such as those used for basket weaving, are good to use for this type of spell since willow enhances intuition. Knots enable you to make sure the energy you have directed goes where you want it to go.
    You may need:

  • A short length of string, ribbon, grass
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    You may need:

  • A short length of string, ribbon, grass
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    As always you should be conscious of the fact that it is wrong to try to force someone to do something against their will. Therefore carefully consider your actions and be very clear as to why you are trying to influence a particular situation.

    You might, in spells where the timing is important, prepare the groundwork for success but tie a knot to keep some control over when the circumstances dictate a proper release. Let us assume that you have a court case which needs some careful management and you need to make an impact.

    Take your chosen length of material and as you tie a simple knot, chant words such as: "As this knot is tied in thee: The power is held until set free. Tis bound, until on my command. The knowledge needed comes as planned".

    Put the tied object in your pocket, then perhaps on the morning of the case at your chosen moment release the knot. This will enable you to have all the information and energy you need for a successful outcome.

    You can also use this same knot tying to enhance your dream content though the procedure is slightly different. If you wish to find the answer to a problem in your dreams, having carefully thought things through as much as you can, hold the withy in your hand and allow your energy to flow into it.

    Tie a simple knot whilst saying : "Catch now my dreams and hold them still. That I may know what is thy will. Create a space that I may see; What answer will be best for me" Sleep with the tied knot under your pillow and wait for inspiration

    You may not receive the answer on the first night, so be prepared sleep with the knot in place for at least three nights. While the answer may not always come in a dream, usually you will find that shortly afterwards the resolution comes about in a flash of inspiration, a certainty of the right action or through information from an outside source. The method ensures that you have received help from both your own inner self and the powers that be.

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    #7 - Pendulum

    This is a different method of finding something you have lost, particularly if it is in the immediate vicinity.
    You may need:

  • Your pendulum which may be a crystal on a
  • short chain, a ring suspended on a thread or a similar object
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    You may need:

  • Your pendulum which may be a crystal on a
  • short chain, a ring suspended on a thread or a similar object
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    • Normally, a pendulum is used to answer yes/no questions, but here you take note of the direction in which it swings
    • When you have made a link with the lost object either by visualizing it or deciding why you need it, hold the pendulum in your most powerful hand and support your elbow on a flat surface.
    • Allow the pendulum to begin to move and sense which direction it seems to pull more strongly.
    • If you are a beginner, repeat the procedure three times.
    • More often than not it will find your object through indicating more than once the direction in which it may be found.
    • Follow the direction shown and unearth your object. Occasionally an object will disappear completely and not be returned by one of the above methods. It is pointless becoming stressed since it will then reappear in its own good time if you still have need of it. If this does not happen, simply consider that it is subject to spiritual law which means that you no longer require it.

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    #8 - To Find a Lost Object

    This prayer or formula is often used to have a lost object returned. In it you seek the help of St Anthony of Padua, a Catholic saint of the twelfth century. The incantation is now considered to be a folk remedy. In this spell at the same time you ‘pull’ your object back towards you.
    You may need:

  • A length of thread or string
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    You may need:

  • A length of thread or string
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    First try to remember when you last saw the object. See it quite clearly in your minds eye. Imagine tying your thread or string to the objectGo through the motions of pulling it towards you.

    Repeat these words three times: "Somethings lost and cant be found. Please, St. Anthony, look around". You will often get a sense of where the object is. Conversely you may come across it unexpectedly.

    Dont forget to thank St. Anthony for interceding on your behalf The words used are found in similar forms all over the world demonstrating clearly the link between folk customs and the church.

    You should not need to use this spell too often if you learn to keep important articles in safe places; then when you do need St Anthonys help it is easily available.

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    #9 - Magical Writing

    This spell magically charges the paper and ink you will use in some of your spells. If the request in your spell is to increase something, it is done between New Moon and Full. To minimize or get rid of something then it should be done during the Dark of the Moon or when the Moon is on the wane.
    You may need:

  • Paper (either real parchment or parchment type)
  • Quill pen
  • Ink in the correct colour for your request
  • Candle, again in the correct colour for your request Appropriate incense
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    You may need:

  • Paper (either real parchment or parchment type)
  • Quill pen
  • Ink in the correct colour for your request
  • Candle, again in the correct colour for your request Appropriate incense
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    Light the candle and the incense (for instance, use green for fertility or money and perhaps blue for healing). Write out your request carefully. Some people will write it three times, others nine. Simply do what feels right for you.

    Hold the paper in the smoke from the incense for as long as feels right. Fold the paper into three and place it under the candle. Let the candle burn out, but just before it does burn the paper in the flame.

    Alternatively, you might bury the paper in fresh earth and allow time to work slowly. As you become more proficient your intuition to guide you. This spell relies on a principle similar to that of sending a letter to Santa Claus. The magically charged paper can also be used to address the gods by name and can be used for yourself and on behalf of others. If you petition for others, however, do not tell them what you are doing, as it nullifies the good. Using magically charged paper and ink can become an integral part of your spell making.

    You may like to have some ready prepared and charged paper and ink so that as your knowledge of symbolism increases, rather than writing out your request in longhand, you can use symbols to signify your desires. You might, for instance, use a key to symbolize your need for a house, the picture of an anvil to suggest partnership and a sheaf of corn to suggest abundance. You could also use symbolic languages such as the runes.

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    #10 - Moon Power

    This spell can be performed indoors as well as outside. It is representational since you use a paper moon or flower. In the incantation the Moon is represented as a white swan. This should be done at the time of the Full Moon and is designed to bring the energy of the Moon within your grasp until the next Full Moon.
    You may need:

  • A bowl of water
  • White paper moon or flower
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    You may need:

  • A bowl of water
  • White paper moon or flower
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    Float the paper moon or flower in the bowl. Raise the bowl towards the Moon in the sky and say:

    "Hail to thee white swan on the river. Present life, tide turner. Moving through the streams of life, all hail. Mother of old and new days, To you, through you, this night we cling to your aura. Pure reflection, total in belief, touched by your presence, I am in your power and wisdom. Praise your power, your peace, my power, my peace. I am strong. I praise. I bless."

    Replace the bowl on your altar. Stand for a few moments appreciating the power of the Moon. This spell is purely an incantation to the Moon and is therefore very simple. It needs no other tools or techniques except a physical representation of the Moon. Water is sacred to the Moon and therefore we offer her that which belongs to her.

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    Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
    Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.

    64 Love Spells from The Immortal's Keep
    #1 - #10
    #21 - #30