OneOfHeart's Profile

Member Info
Name: OneOfHeart
Location: UK
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 21 Mar 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello my name is James and I live in a secluded part of Northern Ireland. Growing up I was told nothing about magic or spirits beyond what you'd hear in Church or the tricks I saw magicians do, it wasn't until I started secondary school that I even learned what an Ouija board was and people began to share their stories. Looking back I could see why I was kept in the dark for so long. The accounts I could dig up hear and there were often disturbing, sometimes nightmarish but I could tell by how and whom they were told that they were honest if somewhat reluctant.
People were either divided into two categories, those that dismissed such accounts as lies and superstitious non-since or those who believed and only told such tales as a caution to those who might be tempted to provoke such darkness again. Ultimately this resulted in both parties keeping their distance from anything paranormal that might pass as anything more than fiction. I hungered for more, to see something for myself but at the same time I felt challenged, intimidated and the potential for risk kept me from taking action. I was just boy, I wasn't ready. But I am an adult now and am willing to do whats necessary to get the results I need, even if it means kicking the hornets nest.