kryanf's Profile

Member Info
Name: kryanf
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Wed, 24 Sep 2008
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
I am Kryanf. i am open minded and friendly, and i like to talk about alot of different stuff. i play guitar in a rock band. I have been reading about and been interested in learning about magick for years and dabbled here and there with what you may consider white, green and red magick. i dont really understand the whole idea of what makes something white, green, red or black, to me, maybe the way alot of people classify what color is the users intent.i believe everything that happens is a almost always a result of something else happening before it. thats basically what i think the rule of three is about. if someone hits you, its well in the bounds of what can be expected for them to get hit back 3 times. and it is on a moving scale. that being said my only desire is to improve the conditions of my situations and others around me without conflict with someone else.i live in a small town so i figured this is a better way to learn stuff from others that are more experienced. there are many reasons why i am here but most recent events have pushed me to search more into the possibilities. send me a message if you would like to talk to me. I WOULD LIKE TO CAUTION ANYONE WHO IS IGNORANT OR LACK EXPERIENCE IN MAGICK. be responsible. use caution. check with more experienced people before you start doing spells that you dont know, because they may have horrible results. USE the right tools. if a spell calls for a blue candle, dont use a black one. you get the picture, unless your stupid. always remember what you do comes back to you. the laws of the universe do not care if you are ignorant, if you mess with something you do not know about, you should be ready to face the consequense, EDUCATE yourself, ask others for help, and think about what you do and what your true intentions are before you do it. thanks for reading and blessings.