Mik3's Profile

Member Info
Name: Mik3
Location: Undisclosed
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Wed, 05 Mar 2008
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hey fellow witches/warlocks/other. I'm sixteen and have been practicing magic for about a year. As far as I know, no-one in my family has any magical ability, nor do they seem particularly interested. The first time I had a magical experience was when I about nine years old: Astral travel, and wonderful; I will always remember it. Basically, I'm a complete beginner in magic; not much talent or experience. And as of now, I've not chosen any particular path, just seeing, for the first time, what's out there. I've heard people give themselves magical names, (There's so many Ravens!) so I invented one for myself from thin air: 'Aeromyr-Tiros' (Sound stupid?). It also related to my birth number, so I stuck with it. Abilities: I can astral project (With difficulty), and I can manipulate the weather: Make it Rain, Snow, Hail, Cloudy or Clear, Sunny, anything really (except lightning, not nearly got the hang of that yet). It's the two things which have always comforted me and compelled me to practice magic. If you want to know how I manage it, then just send me some mail, then you can try it for yourself. Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis are the abilities I've always sought, but so far with no success. (Perhaps for the best.) Hopefully though, with practice, that might change. Other forms of the craft which I hope to learn are scrying and candle magic. Once I've completely discovered my magical prowess, I hope to help others and try to perfect my talents. I'd say I'm more swayed toward white magic but with some black, here and there. It's all about the intent, no? Unfortunately, my spell-work is pretty shoddy, I'm hoping to develop it over the next few years. Any pointers for a beginner would be really appreciated; guidance with the Wiccan craft and such: good books, etc.