Teacher Please!

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Teacher Please!
Post # 1
Hi, i'm thirteen years old, and i'm a beginner to magick. If someone would please volunteer to be my teacher, you wont regret it. My type of magic is white/light. Thanks so Much!
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Re: Teacher Please!
Post # 2
pm me if you want to be my teacher :)
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Re: Teacher Please!
Post # 3
hey i can teach you but i belive students teach teachers as much as teachers teach them i belive in white magic email me sometime
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Re: Teacher Please!
Post # 4
Merry meet SaphirePrincess.

I have quite a few things that I can send you so if you want any help just pm me please.


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Re: Teacher Please!
Post # 5
welcome sapphireprincess to the site and if you need any help on conjuring, it is my specialty :D
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Re: Teacher Please!
Post # 6
as i said i am a teacher of many other students and spell making is my specialty
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Re: Teacher Please!
Post # 7
hey everyone im a master plese if ya need advice pm me
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