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Hi I'm new
Post # 1
I had a really bad 2008 and want to start a new year with a new confidence
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Re: Hi I
Post # 2
Merry Meet dupre.

Now that is the way forward. Confidence and a willing to put the past to rest. I agree that this year will be a wonderful year for you, opening new doors and showing you new paths to tread. Enjoy.

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Re: Hi I
Post # 3
Greetings Rowan, thank you for the new hope you gave me for the coming year it has been welcomed with open arms. The advise on the love spell has been noted also. Dave says he still loves me and will come home to me soon, I just wanted to speed that up as my life is unhappy, lonely and miserable without his love in it although we are still best friends and still do our normal things like training etc, it's the gaps that I miss so much, do you know what I mean ? Anyway may blessings reign done on you for your kindness.
Hugs back to you
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