Bay Leaf Spell

CovenDivine Spirits ► Bay Leaf Spell
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Bay Leaf Spell
Post # 1
You will need one bay leaf (or several if you would like to repeat the spell), a match, and a pen or fine tipped marker. Write down the problem that is troubling you on the bay leaf. Use the lighter to set the leaf on fire. As the leaf burns away visualize, feel, and believe that your problems are blowing away in the breeze like the ashes of the bay leaf. If you like, repeat this with several bay leaves until you feel that the problem or negative energy around you has diminished and dissipated.

NOTE: From what I’ve read simply burning bay leaves, like sage, can also rid an area of spirits and negative energies.

I found the original spell in a book on herb magic by Ellen Dugan
but I changed it up a bit.

Re: Bay Leaf Spell
Post # 2
I've hear something similar but I heard of a wish spell. Write down your wish on a bay leaf preferably with dragon's blood ink and burn it during the full moon or rather more preferably with the full moon in Scorpio.

Re: Bay Leaf Spell
Post # 3
I've never heard of that one, but that's very interesting. I'll have to look into that too.

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