Too many "out of stock"

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Too many "out of stock"
Post # 1
Good afternoon.

I'm disappointed to see a growing number of "out of stock" items, and little effort in restocking.

I've bought quite a number of items here, and though I'm a loyal customer, I've been forced to seek my materials elsewhere.

How long does it take, for your online store, to restock items? I'm mostly interested in the herbs, oils, and statue sections .

Thank you.
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Re: Too many "out of stock"
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

We update the availability of items each night based on our distibutor's daily inventory listings. Most of the items in the store are hand made or are imported monthly from overseas, as such some items can take a long time to get back in stock.

You will find many other online stores which have the exact same items we have, this is because they use the same distributor, but they may not update the availability daily like we do.

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