Mojo bag

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Mojo bag
Post # 1
I have just bought a mojo bag. I am going to the USA next week for about 3 weeks. I am not sure if I can bring it to there since it contains plants or seeds. What if I don't bring it with me for 3 weeks? Can it be recovered after my trip? Or should I wait until I come back then start to use it?
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Re: Mojo bag
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
I would telephone the American Embassy, ask for the Tourist Office. They will be able to tell you what you can bring into the States.
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Re: Mojo bag
Post # 3
What if they do not allow me to bring it? Is it okay to leave my mojo bag at home for weeks and put on more oil to recharge it afterward? :(
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Re: Mojo bag
By: / Novice
Post # 4
If they take your mojo them the bag is dead if you leave it home it will starve and die
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Re: Mojo bag
By: / Novice
Post # 5
If someone sees your Mojo bag you feed it because no one should see your mojo bag if someone touches your mojo bag than it dies completely and you can save it cause its dead only when people see it its still alive once its touched it dies completely
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Re: Mojo bag
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
If you can take you mojo bag with you it lives but if you leave it at home it dies and the other things What they said. If it dies you can take out all the stuff out of the mojo bag, cleanes the bag, and if there is rocks in the bag cleanes them too. The herbs her new herbs to but them in the mojo bag. If there is paper in your mojo bag day your intentions do that again and after your are done breath into the bag, lighly. Tie the bag up and feed it and it's alive again.
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Re: Mojo bag
By: / Beginner
Post # 7
Sorry bad grammar " take out the old herbs and put in new herbs in your mojo bag"
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Re: Mojo bag
By: / Novice
Post # 8
I would check what's permitted first like Brysing said. As for this mojo back, have you cast it already? You could leave it at home and then recharge it when you return. I have a money charm I keep with me [It's got a coin, a stone and clover] I've gone through customs with and without it and I've been fine. They never really questioned it. [But it's small so maybe that's why] legally ask magickally you can always recast.
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Re: Mojo bag
Post # 9
No. I have just got it by post. Not even opened the package yet. Since I am worry, I am thinking if I should open and start to use it after the trip.
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