My sisters and I were invoke the Power of Three on Halloween, but the ritual calls for Midnight, and the Moon will be VC will this have any effect on magick. I know it does generally but when invoking spirits does the rule still apply???
well the rule of three is a Wiccan concept [aka the Threefold Law] which states what you put out will return three times over [how is a matter of interpretation, i personally go with effecting your mind, body and spirit, but many view it as extreme karma] not all witches follow this rule so if you don't it won't effect you. but if you do believe in it, ask yourself if what you are doing is helpful or harmful and that should give you your answer.
not sure what 'VC' means, but again, most things with magick is up for personal interpretation. many view midnight to be the perfect time for spell work [others go with 3 AM or twilight. some even cast by the planetary hours it really doesn't matter so long as it works for you] i suggest since Samhain [aka Halloween] is a ways away i would take this time to practice 'the basics' of spell casting so you are better prepared for the spell.
VC stand for void of course. Meaning :It starts after the Moon has made its last major aspect (1) to the Sun or planets and is still within the sign, and the Moon is considered void of course until it enters the next sign. The Moon goes void of course every two days or so, and this can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.('s%20choice/articles/void_of_course.html)
I find the phase of the moon only effects magic if the caster chooses to believe that it does.
What do you mean by 'invoke the Power of Three'?
What does the power of three have to do with invoking spirits?
Re: the Power of Three By: Misanthropy Moderator / Adept
Post # 4 Oct 08, 2016
The only time I've never heard the term "Power of Three" was when it was mentioned in the show Charmed. So, if that is what you're referring to, I'd like to point out that the show was for entertainment purposes only and should not be used as a reference for magical practice, spells, etc.
If you want to work with spirits, I'd suggest learning about the spirit or entity that you wish to work with. Their likes, dislikes, proper ways to call out to them/ask them to join you in your ritual space, offerings they like, etc.