My Beginner's Questions

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My Beginner's Questions
Post # 1

I'm looking to get started with astral projection, and I'd like answers to a few of my questions before I do. If any of you are willing to help, I'd be really grateful.

1. Can you heal yourself while on the astral plane? I've heard that you can heal others while in your astral body, but is it possible to heal your own physical body?

2. Can you take a pendulum with you? When you lift your spirit from your body, will you still be wearing jewelry such as a pendulum? And if not, will your crystal experience your astral adventures while hanging on your unconscious body?

3. If a family member tries to wake me up, will I notice? If I'm far away from my bedroom on the astral plane, and someone tries to wake me up by knocking on my door or calling my name, will I still hear it and wake up?

4. Will my body be vulnerable while I am unconscious? Can bad energy or evil spirits enter my body while I am on the astral plane? If so, how can I prevent this?

5. Can I interact with other astral projectors while I am on the astral plane? If I visit a popular location like a big city and see other humans in their astral form, can I touch, talk to, and interact with them?

Your help is appreciated, many thanks in advance for giving me a boost in my magical journey.

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Re: My Beginner's Questions
Post # 2
About healing unless you are an adept in occultism the best way of healing anyone or yourself that anyone can do is by creating an artificial elemental,it is an agent responsible for all psychic healing...some times you cant notice that a family member is waking you up,they may automatically think you are dead and carry your body away while you are on the astral plane..this is why astral projection should be done in a secure place and either alone or with people who know something about astral projection...and yes depending on the astral or psychic atmosphere its possible for negative or evil spirits to take control of your body while you are away via your astral body an astral barrier will be useful around your body to offer you protection against possession of your body by evil spirits.this is what i have experienced and learnt in many years of being a witch,other witches may have diffreant views and experiences but i strongly encorage you to do much research and not to depend so much on what we tell you...
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Re: My Beginner's Questions
Post # 3
You can communicate with other beings in astral projection in the same way you do in dreams....its all possible.
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Re: My Beginner's Questions
Post # 4
Every object as an astral counterpart when you project your astral body you will still wear the same jewery or clothes as you wore physically...the astral counterpart of every object is an exact replica of the original physical object...thus if you projected say in africa from america people and other astral entities on the astral plane will see you with the same clothes and jewery that you are wearing physicaly in america...its not possible for ordinary people to move a physical object while in astral projection this requires an advanced training that i cand describe here....
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