Spells not working

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Spells not working
Post # 1
I'm new to this, but I'm trying to figure out how to make my stuffed toy weenie dog come to life. I say the magic words but it doesn't work, is there something I need to do to be able to do white magic?
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Re: Spells not working
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
You cannot make your stuffed dog come to life. That is fantasy and not possible with real magic. You may want to spend some time learning what magic is, how it works, what it can do and what it cannot do.
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Re: Spells not working
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Magic can be used to help you reach realistic goals, tip odds in your favor, etc.It cannot create life from nothing, as you have described here. You can create thoughtforms and projections, but understand that this is not "life" in the sense of living and breathing. It is energy that we build up, manipulate, and give purpose to.

To use magic, you first need to understand how it works. We can manipulate this energy and send it out into the universe to bring things to us, change aspects within us or in those around us, heal, protect, etc. The most common way that this is done is through focus and visualization. For example, if I were working toward the goal of healing someone close to me, I would focus on them being healthy and happy. I would then raise energy within myself (common forms of energy raising include chanting, dancing, or drawing in energy from the world around you.) I would then take that built up energy and send it out into the universe to bring about my goal. As I sent this energy out, I would visualize the ill individual receiving it and using it to speed their healing process.

However, also understand that magic cannot instantly heal wounds, cure sickness overnight, etc. It is meant to aid us, not be a cure all. It has limitations as to what it can and cannot do. I would suggest taking the time to read over the following threads.









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Re: Spells not working
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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