Local Covens

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Local Covens
Post # 1

Hi!! So, I'm moving out of my parents house at the end of this month, and one thing I really want to look into is joining a local witchcraft coven in my area. However, I have no idea how to go about it, in terms of finding one, and asking to join once I do. Does anybody know of any good sites or apps that may advertise local covens in my area, or any tips on how to introduce myself to them? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Local Covens
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
You can try meetup.com though I am not sure it is used much anymore. Frequent your local pagan shops (if you have any) and see if they have an advertisement board.
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Re: Local Covens
Post # 3

If shop owners do not openly advertise, asking politely if they know of any pagan events or groups in the area can help. Just be polite and explain you have an interest in spiritual or pagan activities in the area.

Metaphysical or spiritual shop owners usually make great connections with if not pagans, many spiritual people. They may be able to help point you in the right direction.

I know at my local metaphysical shop they have spiritual friends whom bring the owner gifts, and the owner usually sells the wares and goods of those she's bonded with.

Even if you do not find a coven at one of these shops per-se, these are wonderful places to find those whom share an interest in spiritual ideas.

Good luck.

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Re: Local Covens
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

I would suggest starting out by finding out if there are any open Pagan events near where you are living. If you have any metaphysical shops near you they will generally have information about any ongoing meetups and special events such as those around the Sabbats. If there is one you can get to, go there and just meet people. It's important that a coven be a good fit for the individual and that the individual is a good fit for the coven. So think about who among the people you meet feels like someone you'd want to hang out with. Do they seem to know what they are doing? Do any of them give you "icky" vibes? Do they feel like someone you've known all your life?

If you meet someone that is in a group near to you and it seems they are what you are looking for, it is always permissible to ask politely whether their group is open to new members. But remember, not all groups are open or taking new members especially right now with Covid. But if they aren't open, ask them whether they know of a group that might be.

You can do much the same thing by seeing whether that metaphysical shop near you offers classes on various topics. Get out, meet people, get a feel for your local Pagan community. It's important to know who you want to associate with and who you do not . Don't just jump at any coven until you are sure they are the family you want to be part of.

If you'd like, drop me an e-mail and let me know in general where you will be living and I'll be glad to try to help you identify any potential groups in that area.

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Re: Local Covens
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Covens from General Info.
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Re: Local Covens
Post # 6
I’ve generally used web searches to find different groups or covens. In my experience their not the easiest to find. It truly depends on where you live. From what I’ve found, most larger metropolitan areas have some sort of coven or at least a meet up group.

Just keep up the search. And please, don’t settle for the first thing you find. Make sure you ask questions and you feel comfortable with what their group has to offer. Good luck!
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Re: Local Covens
Post # 7

Thankyou all!!

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Re: Local Covens
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8

You could also try witchvox.com

I'm not sure how reliable it is now but I know, in previous years, it was a really wonderful source for finding local Pagan/Occult groups, shops, workshops, etc.

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Re: Local Covens
Post # 9

Sadly, Witchvox has been retired. It was such a great way, when it was active, for practitioners to reach out to find others in their local communities.

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Re: Local Covens
Post # 10
Hello. I have tried meetups.com back in 2009 in another town (I moved in 2019) and though I showed up at the Starbucks arranged, no one but the employees at the Starbucks were there. Watch out for scammers frequenting sites because they will register meets to no show an event. I remember it was a Sunday evening. Everyone in the pics looked like 50ish and seemed to be more of a sowing circle than a real coven. I was like 20ish at the time. Merry meet!
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