Wiccan in hiding, wrong?

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Re: Wiccan in hiding, wrong?
Post # 2
In my opinion, if your practice effects your parents it is their right to decline you the option of practicing it within their household. I was lucky in that my mother did not care about my altar or what I did with it.

If your practice is not going to cause them discomfort, e.g. leaving tools around, wearing pentacles etc. Then I see no reason to tell them what you are doing, I think you are old enough to know best.

In regards to being in the broom closet, I do not go around flaunting my religion, and if it benefits me to lie, I do so. For example on job applications I either put atheist or Christian. If a friend asks me about a book they have found on my shelf, or an item I have, I will tell them just enough to satisfy them.

I think you are correct, it is a personal thing. I think you yourself are the only one who can decide when it is okay to tell someone, when it is necessary, and when it is unnecessary. If it will cause you issues, my advice would be to do what is in your best interests.
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Re: Wiccan in hiding, wrong?
Post # 3
Hadit is right, act in your best interest. I myself also have friends who are scared of witchy things, so for their peace of mind I keep it a secret. I also have friends who knows and accepts.
But my parents is a whole different story, I tell them just one little thing at time, leaving enough time to settle down. And just from my own experience - when you become older (after 5-10 years) - they won't be so against your interests.
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Re: Wiccan in hiding, wrong?
Post # 4
Thank you for your responses!

For respect of my mother, I actually do not practice inside the house or keep tools here. I don't agree with my mother, but I do respect what she wants while I'm here.

And now I recall, some of the witches I've spoke to about being in the broom closet do flaunt their religion around, from what I've seen, to scare or keep people aware of it if I'm making sense. And don't think that is necessary. And I do the same with a few people if they ask questions about certain things, like books.

Thank you for your opinion, I feel more at ease with my decision then to keep it to myself. :)

Blessed be.
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Re: Wiccan in hiding, wrong?
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Your parents are responsible for you and legally will raise you as they see best. This is why you should tell them under the age of 18. They may not agree, but maybe a compromise could be met.

Being inside or outside the broom closet is a personal choice, but you should probably tell your significant other about it. Other than that do what you feel comfortable with. I don't greet everyone with 'hi I'm Wiccan' but I do wear a pentacle necklace and if someone asks [depending on the situation, threatening or casual] I won't deny it.
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Re: Wiccan in hiding, wrong?
By: / Novice
Post # 6
In my opinion, it is absolutely NOT wrong to be in the broom closet! It IS wrong to chase people into closets and lock the door because you can't accept them as individual people (even if what somebody else is doing with their personal beliefs isn't and can't directly be hurting somebody else: your right to swing your knuckles around ends at the other person's nose, you know? My rights end where yours begin.)

And if you're a naturally private person, I definitely don't see anything wrong with staying in your comfort zone.

But that's idealism. When we talk about practicalities, we care that you're not in danger of being kicked out of your home without job skills or without a complete education just because, for example, your internet search history was found.
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Re: Wiccan in hiding, wrong?
Post # 7
You seem old enough, to realize your extent and hopes. It takes courage to Follow a different path. Moving on.

You as a person, have the choice to create your present, and future. However, I am a teenager wiccan, and I too believe that parental approval is needed. Your parents are the ones who raise you, and they should know what is going on.

In my opinion, adult or not, you should at least realise that you should abide by your parents rules. You until the age of 18-21,your parents should know what you are practicing, and have a say.

Now don't get me wrong. I heavily believe that spiritual practice doesn't come from kin, it comes from within yourself. So Yes, you should be able to practice what you wish, however you should allow your parents to guide you.
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Re: Wiccan in hiding, wrong?
Post # 8
I apparently have the same situation. because of this my spell casting is limited how do you cast spells?
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Re: Wiccan in hiding, wrong?
By: / Novice
Post # 9
Rabbitwitch, astral spells and psionics and meditation-based spells could help you there. They don't require any tools, but mental clarity, which might be more difficult without tools to anchor it.

I haven't posted this link in a while. It's my favorite:

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Re: Wiccan in hiding, wrong?
Post # 10
I like your response Elmora. Being respectful of your parents' wishes is important. The old "my house/my rules" thing that every parent keeps on the tip of their tongue, comes to mind. You being a teenager and living under your parents roof complicates things for you, but being up-front with them rather than "hiding" would be best. I live with an all Christian family in the bible belt. (Most of my friends are Amish.) I don't "hide" my religious beliefs, but neither do I wear them on my sleeve. While my family and a few close friends know, I don't go out of my way to advertise. I simply think that my personal beliefs are just that. Personal.
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Re: Wiccan in hiding, wrong?
Post # 11
Of course it's not!I would imagine that many witches(especially solitary ones like you and me)would be in the broom closet.Some of my family members(and a small handful of my friends)know who I am and don't mind my witchcraft at all.My advice,is tell only those who you can truly trust(such as your boyfriend,best friend,et
cetera.)You should never be ashamed of witchcraft or believe it is a sin.As long as you use your magic for good,or for bad intentions(with a good purpose),you can't go wrong.I hope this helps.
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