Energy Creations

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Re: Energy Creations
Post # 11

Zavarac, energy does not neccasarily only come from the being itself , it is everywhere and comes from everything.

However , Psi energy usually comes from the being itself though.

Below are several examples

-Quantum (Pattern, Anti-Pattern, and Neutral) energies: These types of energy seem to be quantum in nature, and are most commonly used by ceremonial magickians.

-Earth energy: This energy is produced by the planet, and seems to have electromagnetic properties. It is found in most places in the earth, and is particularly concentrated in electromagnetic force lines which are commonly called ley lines.

- Regnant energy :Also called Collective Unconscious energy, this energy is the result of decay of Psi and Faith energy which has been shed by living things. It seems to have electromagnetic properties.

There are many more of course , with different properties tagged to it and comes from different sources , but i am rather lazy to list them all..several other examples would be Ki , Chi etc .

Some people does not make the distinction , and believe that they are all energy , but they feel different . One who uses all types of energy as they see fit , will of course eventually be desensitizes to various energies and can no longer tell a difference if things are minute , but different energies have different sources and have different feels so to speak.

Energy is everywhere , and one can harness it and it is not only found within the being itself

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Re: Energy Creations
Post # 12
if you somehow lost your energy in your body (your aura, ect)would you be able to recover or what would happen?
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Re: Energy Creations
Post # 13

Our body naturally replenishes it's energy. When you feel tired and went to sleep and awoke recharged , your body have naturally replenished.

Our aura also heals itself naturally over time.., so basically , if you let your energy system recover , then it shall recover. Though one could aid the proccess via bringing external energy to replenish a person's own energy field and letting it settle

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Re: Energy Creations
Post # 14
would you need enough energy to summon energy from around you?
so like you were dying you are obviously losing energy not gaining it.
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