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Re: philippines!!!!!!
Post # 11
i couldnt watch one of those things in is bad enough....i experienced a past life that i was crucified in...its not plesant....and the stuff they do today is alot less painfull and torturous as the stuff they did back then
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Re: philippines!!!!!!
Post # 12
LOL.....I wasn't able to go really personal to it b/c while I was sitting down and catching my breath people (tall people) started crowding in...and I really couldn't see anything u know ewww and ouch until this guy was raised in the cross thing.....(though I heard him scream)

P.S well at least they boil the nails in water first so that the guy doesn't get infections and stuff....
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Re: philippines!!!!!!
Post # 13 still sucks...i cant go through that again..or even watch sucks
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Re: philippines!!!!!!
Post # 14
Ahahahaha...LOlz...I'm sry...its just that u sound really dramatic and stuff....and I'm not use to that....and u probably did something bad and were u a Jew or something???....are crucification used in other country beside Jerusalem and is Jerusalem a city or a country?...LOLz...

P.S I love philippine fiesta....
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Re: philippines!!!!!!
Post # 15
yea...crucifixions were used throughout the roman empire....i was a soldier that betrayed his diserved it but ever since i relieved that life...i cant stand the thought of crucifixions
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Re: philippines!!!!!!
Post # 16
Ohmygosh...I just have to tell u something my previous school has those big crucifixion cross things in practically every corner of the school...u can even bump into one if ur not careful( me)..and and and our chapel has this humongous cross in the middle of it and u can see it the minute u enter the chapel too...*evil smile*....LOLz....sry again...just had to share that story....=D
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Re: philippines!!!!!!
Post # 17
im not big on church...its not my
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Re: philippines!!!!!!
Post # 18
Me too...but when I tell my mom that I don't wanna go she usually go Ohmygosh on me then give me one of those silent treatment(which she's not very good at by the way)and calls me by my freakishly long name....all day I kinda have no choice....LOLz....
but in my old school we have to go every first friday of the month...which wasn't really that much use(sry) since I usually don't listen until our really awesome priest comes up and talk jokes with the Eucharist thing....

P.S Father Jasper(our school priest) was awesome he gives me candies every single lunch(those star shaped ones)...and sometimes recess...I mishhhhhhiimmmmmm...*sniff
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Re: philippines!!!!!!
Post # 19
That is horrible, all because of some superstition that have led most people such as them to astray. (Im referring to the YouTube video)

I went to that country at the start of this year, and when I got back to Australia, I promised myself NEVER to go back there again. It was poluted, and every breathe I took was uneasy because the air in Australia is fresh, and over there its dirty, and always noisy. Not bashing the Phillippino people on this site, im just saying what I have experienced over there.
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Re: philippines!!!!!!
Post # 20
I agree barbarious(sorry if spelled wrong)...the video supports a superstision...what really pisses me off is that the christians think if you talk about a crucifixion with a different person besides jesus...that it is wrong...thats bull...jesus was one of many many many people who were crucified...he is no more special than any of them
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