talking cat

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Re: talking cat
Post # 11
hmm i tried it and my cat didnt talk human just folowed me around alot and was very talkative suddenly
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Re: talking cat
Post # 12
nope...didnt work. Do we have to cast a circle?
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Re: talking cat
Post # 13
For a spell with few or none ingredients like that one you can charge your body with energy by saying (whilst visualizing white light around you):

'World above, world below,
Energy come, energy flow
Bright divine light corcles round me.
Mountains and sky, flame and sea.'

I sometimes put a crystal in my pcoket whilst I say it.
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Re: talking cat
Post # 14
i now that spell it does not brake laws of nature it fine tunes your ears to hear what a cat would say to you, there for i think that that is only part of the spell.
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Re: talking cat
Post # 15
what about dogs?
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Re: talking cat
Post # 16
Just change the spell from cat to dog.
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Re: talking cat
Post # 17
hey it's me yea i tried it on my dog and he never leave my side it's like he understands me better but i feel that there is something wrong or something bad will happen because he is always sitting by me and grouls at anyone that gets too close to me and when i wake up in the morning i am told he is outside my door until my mother gets me up for work so either he knows something is going to happen or he just found deeper love for me
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Re: talking cat
Post # 18
I found that first spell awhile back myself and it didn't do me any good. I must've done something wrong because I think it backfired. Now my cat Spirit, the sweetest little cat in the world, growls at me whenever try to pick her up, and I've never done anything to deserve that kind of treatment of her. I just don't know, mabey it was the tapping part of it that anoyed her, but she has certainly changed.
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