Leave Traditions Alone

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Re: Leave Traditions Alone
By: / Novice
Post # 11
Making a person into a worshiped figure is a higher being. And whorshipig many dierties is the same as a higher being. Religions are different but their basic core structure is the same.! I am sorry for your ignorance.
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Re: Leave Traditions Alone
Post # 12
I agree that everyone has there onw path to follow and they should follow the path they believe in. But your all right in one way or another Karma is the main issue.
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Re: Leave Traditions Alone
Post # 13

dragon, it depends whether you believe in "karma" or not. Paths should be followed correctly like by tradition.

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Re: Leave Traditions Alone
By: / Novice
Post # 14
Although i agree i have to say im eclectic in religious view. This is mainly due to the fact when i started i did worship from other pantheons such as Isis and Athena. Now im 3 years almost four years down the line i can happily say i am proud of being eclectic. I think what annoys me is when some tells you, what you belive, paganism is so vast not all heathens are the same and not all kemetics are. Its this diversity that should make us better and more understanding of other people. However, on this site and in life i have seen quite a bit of religious bashing. I think as a site and a community we need to try to educate the new agers, we all were new at one point. I know it gets teadious answering the same questiins but at tne end of the day they come here for help they wouldnt get otherwise.
Paths are for ever changing. We call ourselves pagan when realistically we are neopagan. Neo is the latin word for new, so we are new pagans. Not all of the druid information is known today so how can we say we are druid? We are marely reconstructists compared to our ansestors. I am guilty of claiming such feats as tge next person.
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