cat talk question

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Re: cat talk question
Post # 11
I tried turn into a cat, but I can't say it worked...
I tried it twice, in the second try, I felt some sort of bizarre and tongles in my body, but nothing more...
I think that it didn't worked because I used an delactated milk (I'm intolerant to complete milk).
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Re: cat talk question
Post # 12
The closest thing I can think of and recommend to become closer to your cat is the herb, catnip. This is a way of communication. I doubt you would ever have a cat speak human language.
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Re: cat talk question
Post # 13
What is catnip and where can I get it???
Can you show me a picture?
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Re: cat talk question
Post # 14
If you do a spell to talk to an animal it will most likely be a telepathic coversation rather than verbal.
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