What's a Pagan?

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Re: What
Post # 11
People. Seriously. You can't just fit your OWN definition of a word because you like its name and think everyone is gonna go with you. If what you say doesn't fit the definition of paganism. IT'S SOMETHING ELSE! If it has to do with ONLY some of it and not all of it or anything else. Then it simply isn't true paganish.. Pagan is one thing only. If you try and make it out to something else. You're wrong Or your answer is to narrow to properly fit the definition. Learn to speak English AND STOP trying to get every one else to speak "YOUR" English. SERIOUSLY! UNLESS YOUR NAMES IS WEBSTER! STFU!
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Re: What
Post # 12
And were you able to find "STFU" in your little webster dictionary?
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Re: What
Post # 13
I personally believe that Pagan is like that Kao and Wayofthewind said, a nature believer. And I don't think it is possible to get the meaning for STFU in a Webster dictionary... Plus, dictionary don't provide THE prefect definition of everything. It only suggest the definition of things. Go and search Life and then explain the definition to some scientific/philosophy debate forum, you'll get some very interesting results.
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Re: What
Post # 14
1. a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole, as Dr. for Doctor, U.S. for United States, lb. for pound.

1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
2. the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, esp. metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment.
3. the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual: to risk one's life; a short life and a merry one.
4. a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul: eternal life.
5. the general or universal condition of human existence: Too bad, but life is like that.
6. any specified period of animate existence: a man in middle life.
7. the period of existence, activity, or effectiveness of something inanimate, as a machine, lease, or play: The life of the car may be ten years.
8. a living being: Several lives were lost.
9. living things collectively: the hope of discovering life on other planets; insect life.
10. a particular aspect of existence: He enjoys an active physical life.
11. the course of existence or sum of experiences and actions that constitute a person's existence: His business has been his entire life.
12. a biography: a newly published life of Willa Cather.
13. animation; liveliness; spirit: a speech full of life.
14. resilience; elasticity.
15. the force that makes or keeps something alive; the vivifying or quickening principle: The life of the treaty has been an increase of mutual understanding and respect.
16. a mode or manner of existence, as in the world of affairs or society: So far her business life has not overlapped her social life.
17. the period or extent of authority, popularity, approval, etc.: the life of the committee; the life of a bestseller.
18. a prison sentence covering the remaining portion of the offender's animate existence: The judge gave him life.
19. anything or anyone considered to be as precious as life: She was his life.
20. a person or thing that enlivens: the life of the party.
21. effervescence or sparkle, as of wines.
22. pungency or strong, sharp flavor, as of substances when fresh or in good condition.
23. nature or any of the forms of nature as the model or subject of a work of art: drawn from life.
24. Baseball. another opportunity given to a batter to bat because of a misplay by a fielder.
25. (in English pool) one of a limited number of shots allowed a player: Each pool player has three lives at the beginning of the game.
–adjective 26. for or lasting a lifetime; lifelong: a life membership in a club; life imprisonment.
27. of or pertaining to animate existence: the life force; life functions.
28. working from nature or using a living model: a life drawing; a life class.
—Idioms29. as large as life, actually; indeed: There he stood, as large as life. Also, as big as life.
30. come to life, a. to recover consciousness.
b. to become animated and vigorous: The evening passed, but somehow the party never came to life.
c. to appear lifelike: The characters of the novel came to life on the screen.

31. for dear life, with desperate effort, energy, or speed: We ran for dear life, with the dogs at our heels. Also, for one's life.
32. for the life of one, as hard as one tries; even with the utmost effort: He can't understand it for the life of him.
33. get a life, to improve the quality of one's social and professional life: often used in the imperative to express impatience with someone's behavior.
34. not on your life, Informal. absolutely not; under no circumstances; by no means: Will I stand for such a thing? Not on your life!
35. take one's life in one's hands, to risk death knowingly: We were warned that we were taking our lives in our hands by going through that swampy area.
36. to the life, in perfect imitation; exactly: The portrait characterized him to the life.
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Re: What
Post # 15
Go suck that. Guess you people not ever picking up a dictionary in your life.... Don't realize that they give multiple definitions for the same word seeing as how it can be used in many different ways. Such as being used as a noun. adjective verb or Idioms. Seriously if you think something is ANYTHING OTHER THAN what the dictionary definition is.. YOU ARE WRONG! If you argue with me. You are also wrong. Mainly because you're not arguing with me. Your arguing with a book written by masters of the English language. If you had any idea the time and effort and bickering over every word. put in that book. Maybe you'd have a bit more respect for the words in it and their definitions. Why are you people EVEN TRYING TO claim the dictionary is wrong. It can't be simply wrong. Believe anything else and you're simply a fool. If you still dissagree with me. Then go make you're own dictionary. Have your whole vocabulary down A-Z on one page both sides.
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Re: What
Post # 16
Stop being a twit, before there was a word there was a concept and a belief, the word came later, the word was created to describe something, the something was there before the word, that is plain logic. What was belief called when man evolved into a being with understanding, Greeks didn't even exist so how could they name the concept?
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Re: What
Post # 17
Mail from Feelsgoodman -
"Oh what's the matter. You didn't know things like stfu and lol and even words like suba are abreviations and find your self looking like an idiot. Well that's why its best to let people think you're stupid then opening your mouth and prooving it. Next time you think your comments witty. Do every one reading a favor and not have to read your lame dipshitness to simply be thrown back in your face and just don't post anything at all. And I see your from australia. Make sense. The country isn't known for it's great education."
"Make sense." - Who's grammar is wrong now, hypocrite?
"The country isn't known for it's great education." - You're talking about the farmers and bogans, I'm a Australian Born Chinese, obviously I'd beat you any day in an exam. Do you express yourself well in English?
STFU - shut the f*** up
lol - Laugh Out Loud
Suba - ? Please tell me what it means, it's too stupid and uncommon for me to notice such a word.
I do know the meaning of those words mate... Except "suba". We know what a dictionary is for, so we don't need you to tell us to "pick one up" or did you type that up yourself? How about this, instead of thinking you're so "cool" to give me some message you typed up, just so your self-esteem can go back up 1%, why don't you, instead of posting the WHOLE dictionary meaning, you give us the URL link for the online dictionary.
The English language has many... connotations... It was created by the British after all...
Do you know why dictionaries have many versions and years, editions published along side each printed copy? Because the meaning of words can change.
A dictionary, is just a collection of meanings that have been widely agreed upon, for a collection of words. The year system we use, is the widely agreed upon system that many don't mind using, the year system means nothing.
I hope this explains what a dictionary is used for, and why some of us don't value "Webster dictionaries". One more thing, you've only posted the Webster ENGLISH dictionary, where the heck are all the other languages? Are you sure they'll be the same meaning?
Am I confusing you, feelsgoodman? I'm sorry if I am, maybe my English is too complicated for you to comprehend. Or will you type "YOU ARE WRONG!" to me? If you do, explain the meaning what wrong is, without using a dictionary. Dictionaries are for people who cannot use their brain to logically think what the meaning of a word means, so, tell me, what do you know of the word satanism? Webster doesn't know anything about spiritual beliefs so this time, use your brain, if you can.
"3. an irreligious or hedonistic person. " - Feelsgoodman
Isn't that Atheist?
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Re: What
Post # 18
Hehe, go Sir!
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Re: What
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 19
I can't believe that some people believe everthing they read!!!

I so hope that I am not the only one who has a brain that funtions and I don't think I am. There are others I have seen and heard them. You see your brian works in a way where information is "uploaded" and then "interpreted". This is called "intelligence".
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Re: What
Post # 20
Paganism isn't satanism, as you have to believe in satan and one god, where as most pagans don't believe in one god, or any in some cercumstances.....just wanted to clear that up.
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