
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► mermaids

Re: mermaids
Post # 11
I know that too. But there i logic and there is fantasy. I am with logic and knowledge. Which are you? Notice how emememma spells beautifull wrong. She could well be a younger child making up stuff.
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Re: mermaids
Post # 12
I again agree with Z. It probally is a younger child who watched the movie Aquamarine and is convinced that meraids are so pretty and that they have special powers, etc. A mermiads tail is hardly ever beatiful these days because of the pollution in the water, and they can't shape water either.

emememma, this is not a role play site.
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Re: mermaids
Post # 13
O_O I never agree.. hahahaha
#_# That was sarcasm... O_o man.. I am hard to read.
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Re: mermaids
Post # 14
Right, so there is logic in the magickal world?

Plus people make spelling mistakes all the time. You know, we only read the first and last letters of words and our brain forms them. So, upon proof reading, some people miss things. (if they proof read any way).

Not role playing here? then how come there are people here who say that they are certain other magickal beings and you don't jump up and down on your soap box about them?
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Re: mermaids
Post # 15
I did not say that Earthstag.

I said that there is logic and there is fantasy. I had never said that there was logic in the magickal world. Heh, were did you hear that?

I never intended this strong argument either. How is a mermaid that lives in the water or where ever and drag herself all the way to the nearest computer?

That is going to be hard.
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Re: mermaids
Post # 16
There are spells that can make u a mermaid only when u are may be one...or not...
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Re: mermaids
Post # 17
But in magick there is logic, you just need to look closely enough and from a wide enough perception, if you have advanced to high enough magick you will understand the logic of magick, as to how and why things work or don't work, how to make them work effectively and how to improve them, magick is the art of science which scientist haven't been able to classify or prove using their pretty little boxes they try to stuff everything into.
I agree with Zexion, i have encountered many beings, but they are at the soul level, not the physical, a physical transformation is possible, but this one may be a little too far fetched for me to even bite, also the way the sentenced was structured indicates that she is young, thus we cannot take it seriously, but we must also try help those younger than us understand that lies get you nowhere, rather be what you are to the full and make it something amazing and unique ;)
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Re: mermaids
Post # 18
Kao, I was being sarcastic about there not being logic in magick.

I just don't like people who openly bag out others about what they believe in. Just send them a personal message about it to keep the forums peaceful
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Re: mermaids
Post # 19
thats cool can I see a picture?
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Re: mermaids
Post # 20
Even if it is a younger child soo what she may be lying but if she is then why not just let her be instead of causing a big argument over nothing and by the way her spell beautiful wrong doesn't prove anything i spell that wrong all the time.

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