possiblity as a trace...

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Re: possiblity as a trace...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
Well think of the first way someone did this to you. A lullaby is the first form of music magic that we come into contact with. As a mother I can tell you that as you sing the words you must also think about what you want to happen. With my children I would always see in my minds eye my child's eyes getting heavy and their head resting on my shoulder. It worked very well for me most of the time!
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Re: possiblity as a trace...
Post # 12
oh.. ok it makes abit of sense, so a lullaby uses trance. If you sung something then played it backwards would it act as a trance?
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Re: possiblity as a trace...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13
I guess it could, I have never tried it. I do wonder sometimes what some songs would sound like if you reversed the notes.
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Re: possiblity as a trace...
Post # 14
some sound strange..
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