Would You!?

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Re: Would You!?
Post # 11
Too late, martial law for America is planned to be implemented in 2008 (end of).
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Re: Would You!?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12
True communism can only work in small groups of people. There is only one recorded tribe of of about 30 people that actually was/is able to practice it. Your idea is a good one but it is not probable to have a large community that would have an army. Beside if the community was of a higher consciousness in the way you have stated they would not need an army. Humans like stuff, even when we just collected bones, shells, and rocks, we loved the idea of having things.
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Re: Would You!?
Post # 13
id love to
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Re: Would You!?
Post # 14
Wouldn't we all love that...

Eventually, since it happens everyday, we'll evolve into naturally smarter beings and start to destroy these conflicts one by one.

But I need to remind you, without war and death, there would be an oversize in population, thus less food, therefore we all starve. It could be less possible if we had less lust in our lives, but sadly, nobody cares.
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Re: Would You!?
Post # 15
This all sounds fine and dandy with a side dose of candy, but how would this honestly work? Islands made of artificial land don't magickally pop out of the ocean for the taking. How do you plan to go about creating such a place?
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Re: Would You!?
Post # 16
Well we would all have to definitly chip in to either make such a place or even to buy it plus wut it would cost to build a society like this.

plus we would need a currency and we would need a council of high elders to help contorl this place
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Re: Would You!?
Post # 17
There has to be an arbitrary council government only existing to keep the constitution honored and to monitor the civilization. The constitution will be purposely constructed against a government, and the people will be told if they ever disagree with their government or feel threatened then they can disobey them by impeachment and forceful removal. This nation will be truly democratic and free. The government will be arbitrary and at mercy of the judgment of the people. Pre-for, the people will be assured means to eliminate government if it becomes too much of what is exactly we don’t need, and to re-elect and control the government in best of the people.

The council will consist of twenty elders who must earn their respect. They must not belong to any religion, occult, or secret societies. They must been spiritually balanced. This council only exists to monitor the civilization, monitor outside threats and events, and make decisions that will be passed down and enforced through the many projects of this nation, such as groups that will be recording and obtaining information of outsider threats, etc. because such a nation will be threatened and hated by other nations of the world who insist on the old ways, and separatism.

There must be a group that acts of the same concept as a military. This group will be monitoring the security of the nation and will be able to defend the nation in case of attacks, etc. spirituality will become a common agenda of every area of life in this nation, including safety and security. This group will obtain information through paranormal and physical means, and use this information to know what action to take in defense of the nation. Citizens will become enlightened to an extent where everyone will play a role; knowledge will never be limited, or privatized.

Common logic and sense will allow the people to make proper moves and action to defend the nation on a unified level. Foreign economics will not be integrated. This nation will be a private nation with a private economy. A monetary system will not be installed, per se, but only as a currency to monitor the work and efforts made by civilization, basically monitoring whether citizens are participating in the nation affairs of creation, invention, and advancement. Services will be available to all although some things will only be available by exchange of currency.

Education, Food, Technology, cannot be privatized neither exchanged for tender currency. There will be a rating system monitoring the work, and dividing and identifying different working classes and the efforts of the people. This system will be made public, and services that are allowed to be privatized for legal tender are obligated to offer free services when an individual’s work-rating is at or over a certain work-mark that this rating system will show. This is to be exchanged as due respect, and shall be exchanged in the name of unity and free trade. Let’s put this in an example:

Bob works as a spiritual teacher at the spiritual school. He is not obligated to work, but he does it to increase his rating-rate that will be showed on his public and accurate portfolio for every citizen to see and that is automatically-programmed on a special citizen chip card that everyone has, let’s say in this case he also wants to show his talent and help citizens become more spiritual, his personal agendas. He wants to ride the private transit system to home made by a group of nanotechnology-company project creators and it requires $ 20 MK currency OR 30 MK rating-points [let’s say Bob gets 10 MK rating-points per day teaching, and he has 60 MK rating-points currently] . If he has $ 20 MK currency, he can give them that and have it transferred to this company and use their service, this company will make a sale for their work, but if Bob decides to reward himself for his work without giving this company a sale [per se] , he can have 20 MK rating-points wiped off his record, and use the service. The difference is that with MK rating-points the company will not make a sale, and will be motivated to work to earn MK points, by producing more of their technology and teaching through schools, etc. with MK rating-points, the work/energy is just discredited, but not transferred, it motivates both parties of the exchange to work more, contribute and teach more to earn MK rating-points. The more Bob works the more “free” things he will get, It s like a monetary system, only replaced with respect. The company respects that Bob contributes to the nation and the company will be respected with points when they give their technology for free, and teach others how to create it. This instantly creates a big scheme of diversification and commerce, in a good and harmless way. A lot of effort would need to be created in the MK rating-points system, and more detail and development will go into that to make this figure a reality and realistic, and it can be accomplished. For a company/school/program to get accredited for the MK rating-point system, a democratically-held poll will take place electronically and accurately.
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Re: Would You!?
Post # 18
possibly. but i might rather live in the shithole, so that i can help make it better.

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Re: Would You!?
Post # 19
actually yeah me to

i think the national relgion should be something with magic but thats for evryone to vote on

even if we start out as a thid world country we will most likley become richer and even if that dosent happen i wouldnt care
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Re: Would You!?
Post # 20
how can you be rich without money?

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