Shrinking spells?

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Re: Shrinking spells?
Post # 11
PERFECT! I'll get started right away! Thanks! Would i be aware of my surroundings if I Astral projected into a insect, like housefly or worm?

Re: Shrinking spells?
Post # 12

Beware the excessive capitalization.

But yes, supposedly people have decided to perceive themselves as all sorts of things while engaging in astral travel.

Re: Shrinking spells?
Post # 13
Could I die if I Astral project into an insect and get killed or eaten?

Re: Shrinking spells?
Post # 14

The worst possibility while projecting is snapping back to consciousness. That is, you'd be disturbed back to a waking state in stead of your awareness being elsewhere. You might be momentarily disoriented, like being woken up from a deep sleep and an intense dream, but that's it.

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