Coven Deleted

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Re: Coven Deleted
Post # 131
I think my coven brings a unique group to the site but if pet ever wanted to delete it I would understand, he has a lot of work to do and despite his occasional foul language seems to be a good hard working person.
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Re: Coven Deleted
Post # 132
Wow, this thread is still going?

Interesting, you people prove yet again to be quite the wayward crowed.
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Re: Coven Deleted
Post # 133
Did the coven Knights Templar get deleted?
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Re: Coven Deleted
Post # 134
yes, because they had knights and knights' or knight's
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Re: Coven Deleted
Post # 135
ok for some reason i don't even know what my coven did wrong i made it like a day ago already had 2 new members and then it was just randomly deleted and normally i wouldn't mind if it told me why but iv looked and looked and cant find a reason PLUS to add insult to injury they banned me from making a new one. That's just unfair i mean if i had made a simple typo or misread instructions i do think that justifies banning me from making one i would gladly reform and make it better if given the chance.
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Re: Coven Deleted
Post # 136
Iruko, unfortunately this is a one-shot thing. You have one shot to make a Coven and if it doesn't go well then you'll just have to join an already made one. I don't know if you can make a Coven, give it to someone else, and then make another or not, but oh well. Good luck with whatever you do now.
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Re: Coven Deleted
Post # 137
What was your coven name?

Possibly the name was mispelled. When I started my coven I had a correct name but plenty of accidental typos in my desription and homepage, my coven is still going strong.

You aren't the only one banned. It is automatic when your coven is deleted. And the reason for this is because Pet thinks that if you aren't smart enough to fallow directions and spell the name correctly you shouldn't be aloud to make one. Because the directions specifically state you have to spell it right or your coven is deleted and you are banned from making a new one.

So it shouldn't have really been a surprise...
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Re: Coven Deleted
Post # 138
A lot of people who are complaining can't even capitalize their forum posts. It's sad really...
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Re: Coven Deleted
Post # 139
Like that matters.. pet should however set up a system to apply for ungagging/coven creation
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Re: Coven Deleted
By: / Beginner
Post # 140
Man this whole deleting Covens is just retarded to me.
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