Take the chakra test!!

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Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 171
Root: open (38%)
Sacral: over-active (75%)
Navel: open (69%)
Heart: over-active (75%)
Throat: over-active (94%)
Third Eye: open (25%)
Crown: open (69%)

what does this mean??

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 172
mine says
Root: under-active (0%)
Sacral: under-active (13%)
Navel: over-active (100%)
Heart: over-active (81%)
Throat: over-active (100%)
Third Eye: over-active (88%)
Crown: over-active (75%)

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 173
i guess its kinda true..
i DO see aura and spirits so...

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 174
Here are my results...

Root: under-active (0%)
Sacral: under-active (0%)
Navel: open (19%)
Heart: under-active (-6%)
Throat: open (38%)
Third Eye: open (38%)
Crown: open (19%)

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 175
This are my enneagram results:

Type 1 - 10.3
Type 5 - 8.3
Type 6 - 7.7
Type 8 - 6.3
Type 9 - 5.7
Type 2 - 4

Wing 1w9 - 13.2
Wing 1w2 - 12.3
Wing 5w6 - 12.2
Wing 6w5 - 11.9
Wing 9w1 - 10.9
Wing 2w1 - 9.2
Wing 8w9 - 9.2
Wing 9w8 - 8.9
Wing 5w4 - 8.3
Wing 6w7 - 7.7
Wing 8w7 - 6.3
Wing 2w3 - 4

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 176
my results are Root: under-active (13%)
Sacral: open (19%)
Navel: open (44%)
Heart: open (38%)
Throat: open (31%)
Third Eye: open (56%)
Crown: open (56%)

Re: Take the chakra test!
Post # 177
Root: under-active (6%)
Sacral: open (50%)
Navel: open (44%)
Heart: open (44%)
Throat: over-active (88%)
Third Eye: over-active (75%)
Crown: open (56%)

here is my results.

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 178

Root Sacral Navel Heart Throat Third Eye Crown

Root: open (25%)
Sacral: open (25%)
Navel: open (19%)
Heart: open (50%)
Throat: open (50%)
Third Eye: open (31%)
Crown: open (25%)

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 179
Third Eye:open(56%)

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 180
Here's mine

Root: open (19%)
Sacral: open (31%)
Navel: over-active (69%)
Heart: open (56%)
Throat: open (50%)
Third Eye: open (31%)
Crown: open (25%)

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