Nothing much, it feels great to be back with this awesome community! I just hope to get into to one of the Covens on the site, so I can further my knowledge of Magick in general. How about you?
Alright so I remember when I was little, I used to "make potions" (that's what I called them) and they would consist of, just a bunch of ingredients from the fridge. Anyways I used to do this a lot and I would, just keep adding stuff untill I thought the potion was complete. I only just remembered this untill a few minutes ago, when I was pouring soda into a cup, the bottle of the soda reminded me of the bottles i would use, and the concoxtions i would make. Has anyone when they were little, done stuff like this or other things, that did not seem strange at the time, but seemed Magickal? Cause I am very interested in useing magic with cooking and mixing together ingredients to make recipes for someone who is sick to help them get better. I was wondering if maybe me doing this when I was little, may have been me trying out magick without me knowing what it was. (in this life)
Lasty, this last part is a childhood experience that me and my mom had. I was at this party when I was 6. And they has a little kids pool there, you know, the ones that kids can touch without them really needed floatation devices. Well this pool was a litle deeper than a in-flatable pool. But anyways, my mom said that I was going into the center of the pool (she was watching my by the way) and she said that I looked at her with this very calm expersion, and then I just started to go under water. And that I never cried or screamed for anyone to help me. I just sunk under the water. And so another mom at the party dove into the waster and rescued me. I don't really know what this means, so if anyone could tell me that would be lovely.
Oh! one last thing, (oops my bad just remembered this) also when I was little, my mom would say I would stare off like I was looking at someone in my highschair, and my parents would try to talk to me, but I would never answer. Almost like I could see someone. Are kids more apt to see spirits? and as they grow up lose that ability? or will the ability come back?
When you were "staring from the high chair" it could be that you were on the astral; all babies do this at some time.Unfortunately they "grow out of it", and then we have to learn how to get on the astral all over again! The attraction of water is natural. Believe it or not,a baby can swim under water from birth! But, again, they grow out of it; more's the pity.
also am I crazy when I say that I can, "See things out of the corner of my eyes"? or that I can hear people whisper my name anywhere I go? And by whisper my name i don't mean like every second or I hear voices in my head all of the time. It's just that Every so often ( more like once or twice a month) I hear someone whisper my name into my ear, and sometimes it is someone who sounds familiar, like a friend of mine. The only way I can say i'm not crazy with the voice thing is, one time me and my friend were walking into the movie theaters, and we both heard a woman whisper my name really loud. Shes has been the only other person that has heard the voice say something. So my main question is. Am I going crazy?