Love or Curse?

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Re: Love or Curse?
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

You don't care about removing their free will, what makes them who they are, only that you get them in your control? Are you listening to yourself here? You are not in love of them but the idea of being in love.

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Re: Love or Curse?
Post # 4
I do love them, I have for ages, but sadly they treat me terribly for no reason other than believing false rumours. They never even gave me a chance.
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Re: Love or Curse?
Post # 5
If you use a love spell on them it would turn out very wrong. That person treat you horribly because, they just don't like you. It doesn't make since just to force them to love you. Like I said it would turn out very wrong leaving you very injured. What if someone took your free will and you aren't who you are anymore? You wouldn't like that would you, especially if you don't like that person. You'll find someone who does love you, but don't immediately think magic will solve your problems. It could make things worse. Also, many people have told you this already, so take advice from them, there's stilla chance for you to do something unnecessary
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Re: Love or Curse?
Post # 6
I think if someone hurts you, you don't need them in your life. Why would you want to be with someone who treats you badly? I say get over it and move on. I know that can be difficult, but I also know you'll be happier once you have. There's plenty of spells that will attract someone who is good for you, not the specific person you think you want, but the person who is right for you, even if it's only temporary.
I'm happily married in my 30s, but I traveled a road of heartache to get here. That's how I think of it, we all travel a road where our soul mate is at the end. All the bad relationships and crushes we run into along the way teach us lessons we need to be ready to have a lasting, loving, healthy relationship when we meet our soul mate.
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Re: Love or Curse?
Post # 7
I have tried for ages to forget them but I can't. I cannot help loving her, there's nothing I can do about it.
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Re: Love or Curse?
Post # 8
Elliiiooot, I am telling you a forcefull love spell isn't the solution! If you truly love someone, you wouldn't want to take away their free will do you hear yourself talking?
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Re: Love or Curse?
Post # 9
I don't reccomend spells that force someone to love you, I think a spell to attract love to you is most moral, you can do one while concentrating on the person you wish to attract though. I don't feel that will do any harm. I reccomend this one

It works for me.
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Re: Love or Curse?
By: / Beginner
Post # 10

Yep, a spell that could get you into a good situation for bringing her/him back would be good. Otherwise go ahead and take away freewill and see your life turn to hell. :)

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Re: Love or Curse?
Post # 11
If it helps i do a spell to influence someone to act on desire and will instead of acting in silence, as in if you want her do a spell that basically says if she has any desire or will to love you or be with you, etc then she will come around, and if not then nothing will happen
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Re: Love or Curse?
Post # 12
I have à ex loves me very much. À month ago he asked me to. Merry him. I was under so much stress from not being able to finish my collège symester i freaked out on him an wé broke up. I know he loves me Still as i love him . He even called my sister yesterday and asked if i had found someone new... I want us to have peace and i want our relationship back. It wouldnt be talking his free will away if i did à love spell because he already loves me, but i want to know if à love spell is something i could consider to make amends between eachother? I miss him so much, and i know he misses me Too.....
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