Riddle me this

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Re: Riddle me this
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3

Do some guided meditations (You can find these on youtube) and do some divination to see where it leads.

Also, Vat, the Goddess is a really ambiguous answer - which Goddess? Diana, Selene, Bastet, Epona, Hecate, Mama Killa, Phoebe, Bendis, Hina? etc and what about Gods of the Moon? such as Marama, Fati, Avatea, Thoth, Osiris etc? (apologies to practitioners if I have butcthered the spelling or the correct titles of the Deities in question)

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Re: Riddle me this
Post # 4

Luna and Artemis as well. I realize Selene and Diana were already stated and I believe Greek to Roman to be the same but not everybody does.

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Re: Riddle me this
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: Riddle me this
Post # 6
I would say it could be Hekate calling to you.
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Re: Riddle me this
By: / Novice
Post # 7
One thing to consider is that the moon is always there, and the phase is only a measurement of how much of the sun's light we can see bouncing off of it. Someone who doesn't rely heavily on symbolism and representation can technically still connect to 'full moon' energies at any time if they want to. It is just more difficult because it takes conscious effort to shift one's natural perspective.

Different phases also call to different people. It is common for people to connect with the full moon because it provides the most light during the darkness of night, giving a sense of security or favor. But there are also people who connect and energize more strongly from the new-moon, and the idea of the dark night and safety or peace through shadows. It may be that you just connect well with the new-moon and the energies it tends to represent.
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Re: Riddle me this
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Re: WeatherWax

Bast/Bastet (the -et is really unnecessary in most transliterations) is not really a Kemetic "Moon Deity". She's more aptly a solar one as an Eye of Ra and it's really not until the Greeks take over that She gets a Moon aspect. This is because the Greeks compared Her to Artemis as being one in the same. Which is why Heru-sa-Aset is sometimes called Her brother; because He is supposed to be Apollo.

Thoth/Djehuti is a very involved moon Deity, but Osiris/Wesir is not really a "Moon Deity", a "Deity of the Moon", etc. So far as I know, not even in later times does He have a close connection with the Moon, however many of the modern practitioners associate Him with it. (Our Moon is related to male, not so much female until the Greeks took over.)

Iah is literally the Moon Deity as He is the literal personification of the Moon, like the Aten is ghee literal personification of the Sun. There's also Sokar who gets some New Moon influences, and a form of Heru called Heru-Khenty-irty (Horus foremost of eyesight) or Heru-Khenty-en-dirty (Horus foremost without eyesight) which references His eyes as being the Sun and Moon. Set and Heru-sa-Aset are, to a lesser degree, attributed with the birth of the Moon, but it's Djehuti that really makes it happen.

There are, of course, other references, but for practical purposes, let's just say there's a lot of Men. Shiny, Moon Men. Lol.
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Re: Riddle me this
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 9

Sorry, it was late when I responded to this, and I did a quick google search -shrugs-

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Re: Riddle me this
By: / Novice
Post # 10
It's cool. I figured it as a sort of "The More You Know" PSA.
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Re: Riddle me this
Post # 11
Guys this guy was literally asking for us to solve this riddle I don't think he was asking for magical help I'm not the best at riddles so here my best attempt is it because you are following the moon
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Re: Riddle me this
Post # 12
The Moon has a soul and every single planet you see. She/he allows me to see his/her face everytime I'm looking at her/him (don't know their gender). She/he was actually calling out for you, not necessarily the Gods or entities that are connected to the Moon. When they say a Deity or entity is "Moon God/dess" it doesn't mean they are the moon themselves-they are not, they just represent her/him and are closely connected with her/him.

Once Venus and Moon were urging me to get ther hrlp in a spell through their energies and I did; also, the planets from our solar system, Moon and Venus.
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