Shielding Lesson

CovenNatural Magick ► Shielding Lesson
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Re: Shielding Lesson
Post # 4

By: Chafulumisa
Nov 25, 2010

Great post Jewel. I use the first technique when I make a shield. I visualize it in the shape of my body and glowing blue.

Re: Shielding Lesson
Post # 5

By: Waya4
Nov 25, 2010

I use the first technique all of the time as well and for some reason I've always visualized my shields as glowing gold. I've always had natural shields and I saw with my mind's eye that they were gold. Does the color matter?

Re: Shielding Lesson
Post # 6

By: moonbright
Nov 28, 2010

I use the first technique - egg thechnique, when needing protection in a hurry, having, of course, practised it first. I also use drawing a cloak from earth energy daily, - fairly self explainatory. The wood to diamond technique sounds interesting. Colour is in my veiw important (I use blue egg) as we don't need to over insulate ourselves and end up being isolated from good things :-) Thanks Jewel xx

Re: Shielding Lesson
Post # 7

By: Bejeweled / Novice
Jan 22, 2011

This is a really late reply (oops :D haha) but I imagine some of my shields gold, some white/gold, and some grey...the colors for me affect the way it's meant to be used so color is important :)

Re: Shielding Lesson
Post # 8

By: sesa / Knowledgeable
Jan 23, 2011

I normally imagine my shields in a silver transparent light :)

Re: Shielding Lesson
Post # 9

By: Dragken_GGD
Jan 23, 2011

my shields very from all colors of the spektrom and even colors not there

Re: Shielding Lesson
Post # 10

By: IrishChild
Feb 06, 2011

I have not tried either, I want to start. sheilding, I know your sheilding but, In one of the threads called "soul Seer" they talk about blocking their souls (briefly)and i wonder if this is how to block your soul from being read.

I think color does matter (if you do color not objects, later mentioned), it can focus the kind of energy you want around yourself.
EX: Black, you could possibly make your aura that color. And you wouldnt be too nice.
I think you should use the color that you feel connectied too. And if you do use black, i think you should make the intent clear.

When we cast our circles I put up a protection, I imagine a spider web around it, or a layer of sheilds. This seems to be like shielding.

Re: Shielding Lesson
Post # 11

By: Bejeweled / Novice
Feb 10, 2011

Shields definitely have different purposes, and it can block people slightly from being read. Mostly it's misleading and confuses the reader (as far as I've seen). Color IS important, though if you make a shield without specifically coloring it, it's most likely the color of your energy. :)

I do think you're shielding there, with the circle.

Re: Shielding Lesson
Post # 12

By: Ardor
May 09, 2011

I usually viualize my shield as one of the elements and not really as a color(s). For me, I base the quality of my shield and how it works in correspondence to how the element would act and react.

Re: Shielding Lesson
Post # 13

By: Ardor
May 09, 2011

I usually viualize my shield as one of the elements and not really as a color(s). For me, I base the quality of my shield and how it works in correspondence to how the element would act and react.

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