bring back an ex-gf

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Re: bring back an ex-gf
Post # 51
montoya1, I know how you feel, but sometimes the best thing is to let go, I've been in love with my ex for a long time and we broke up a while ago, but I know he doesn't love me, and thats still hard to accept, but as long as hes happy with whoever then I'm happy. Letting go is always hard but sometimes its for the best. I know it hurts, if she really does love you she will come back in time.
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Re: bring back an ex-gf
Post # 52
Exactly good job and well said
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Re: bring back an ex-gf
Post # 53
Say you did use a love spell to bring her back, could you really live everyday knowing she came back cos she was forced?
Would you not prefer her to come back with true love and not forced against her will?
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Re: bring back an ex-gf
Post # 54
Good point white rose this is totaly wrong do not do it it is just using force against her... it will lead to more heart break
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Re: bring back an ex-gf
Post # 55
I agree, plus its kinda selfish if you think about it, your using the spell because YOU WANT HER BACK, your given up her free will. Give it time. Plus love spells can backfire, like lets say you do a love spell to make her come back, it could do the opposite, by making her hate you.
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Re: bring back an ex-gf
Post # 56
By the way montoya1, were only saying this to help you out before you do something harmful. We don't hate you, were just trying to help you out.
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Re: bring back an ex-gf
Post # 57
No offense but we are trying to make you not do something totlay stupid and selfish. It is her choice not hers
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Re: bring back an ex-gf
Post # 58
she says she does love me but is confused
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Re: bring back an ex-gf
Post # 59
But that isnt what you told us in the first place
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Re: bring back an ex-gf
Post # 60
yeah it is...she said she will always love me. I have a strong feeling that I can bring her back.
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