
CovenDivine Spirits ► Poetry
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Re: Poetry
Post # 61
Never Have I Fallen

Your lips speak soft sweetness
Your touch a cool caress
I am lost in your magic
My heart beats within your chest

I think of you each morning
And dream of you each night
I think of your arms being around me
And cannot express my delight

Never have I fallen
But I am quickly on my way
You hold a heart in your hands
That has never before been given away

Re: Poetry
Post # 62
All the love that history knows,
is said to be in every rose.
Yet all that could be found in two,
is less than what I feel for you.

Re: Poetry
Post # 63
A White Rose

The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
O, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.
But I send you a cream-white rosebud
With a flush on its petal tips;
For the love that is purest and sweetest
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.

Re: Poetry
Post # 64
I Asked God

I asked God for a flower, he gave me a bouquet
I asked God for a minute, he gave me a day
I asked God for true love, he gave me that too
I asked for an angel and he gave me you.

Re: Poetry
Post # 65
I love you.
The familiar words.
The controller of emotions.
The pain of promises.

Broken but not forgotten.
Always here, but never heard.
Silence of the sweet.
The cries of the hurt.

Pleads of forgiveness.
Tears to wipe away.
Sobs of sorrow.
Shaking inside.

You lied with love.
Made me feel wanted.
Chained me down.
Promised to be here!

Footsteps echo.
The door closes.
Silence of emptiness.
Night time falls.

I'm where I was left.
Alone with no pleasure.
No passion to live.
But i'm still your property.

You hold my heart in your hands.

Re: Poetry
Post # 66
The luster of the full moon glares in your eyes,
wilting flowers and dead grass reeked as always.
You grab your shovel and start your hole.
Many holes came before, many holes will come after.
Moving like clockwork you shift the dirt shovel by shovel.
An icy chill settles in from judging eyes in the darkness.
The abyss gets deeper and deeper,
your shoes moisten as you move over the grass.
Lower and lower the casket is placed,
you returning the dirt from which it came.
You curse death again for taking another young life.
placing the shovel on the ground,
you grit your teeth and grab your chest,
as you fall you know another sap will fall as you have,
who will do your job.
looking up,
the radiance of the moon begins to fade.

- The Grave

Re: Poetry
Post # 67
This poem isn't mine, but I felt like I should say it.

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice,
From what I've tasted of desire,
I hold with those who favor fire,
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate,
To say that destruction of ice is also great,
And would suffice

-Robert Frost
Fire and Ice

Re: Poetry
Post # 68
Someone wrote this poem for me so I thought I would show off his work. Im not naming him but hes a dear friend to me.

So in this world I have some to see
what is there and meant to be.
Looking at you i understand
and now I give you my hand.

Come with me and we will go
anywhere, so no one knows.
Hide away from all the pain
stop the blood from leaving a stain.

Together forever, hand in hand
with you, anything I can with stand.
So now I ask you, will you take me
and let us peacefully be.

I tell you now, this sensation
should be shared among the nation.
Happiness with you is what I feel
I hope you take me up on this deal.

Ok then as usual he challenged me to reply with a poem. So heres mine.

Our worlds were cold with no guidance.
Your presence has opened my eyes.
Understanding why they kept us apart,
the feeling of control over our souls
with all their lies.

I am by your side, no longer in your shadow.
Removing our masks of hurt,
we can walk with grace.
Never to feel the words of pain,
but to smile with ease and face.

If I take your hand,
I know I am safe.
For you are my strength and fight,
that no one can replace.

For my love for you can never die.
We are free spirits,
holding our heads up high.
No more words I dread to hear,
the feeling of loss when you say good bye.

Re: Poetry
Post # 69
They mishear,
as if not clear.
They do not care,
of the plan that we bare.

We want them to halt,
it will be there fault.
They wont rest till they are all dead,
we can't knock this obsession from there head.

They sail over seas,
they sore though the skies.
They kill off the left,
they kill off the right.

Now its us and them,
them and us.
We start to cry,
they start to fuss.

"You see what you did,
you killed them all!
We watched as they died,
you will watch as you fall!"

"We won't let you pass,
there can only be one.
So we will battle on,
Till out job is done."


Re: Poetry
Post # 70
when ur gone
the pain starts to come
when ur gone
the shadows come closer
i now know i cant be without u
the hurt becomes
becomes to much to bear
the drakness starts to take over
my love for u only grows stronger
the world without u becomes a empty shell
with only pain derkness and misery

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