It's kind of sad really,

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It's kind of sad really,
Post # 1
that in witchcraft, as in most aspects of life these days, a lot of people are looking for instant gratification.

The do not want to take the time an energy that is required in a working to make it successful. They just want to say, "abracadabra," click their heels together and VOILA! Results.

I guess I come from the school of, you get out what you put in.

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Re: It
Post # 2
hehe, it is a frustration shared by many of the older users in the craft and not understood and respected by some of the younger users, the craft is something which can be used to change your life, but if you enter into it for that exact purpose you will never find what you are looking for, the quick fix in life which works is letting go, if a person lets go of something it loses the power it has over you which is keeping your energy stagnant instead of moving forward.
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Re: It
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Its all about patience..not only in witchcraft but in everything in life.
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Re: It
Post # 4
I agree with ya felecia, it's sad to see that most kids these days don't put any effort into much of what they do. If it's not flashy and entertaining, or instant, they loose interest and just leave it at that.

I put 5 grueling and mind numbing years into nothing but hardcore study. Another 4 years of hard practice, not to mention the in and out before it all. Kids need to realise that the world isn't going to give them instant satisfaction, and they have to work to become or find the satisfaction they are looking for.
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Re: It
Post # 5
that is the main problem with the world today..

Our socities have mostly become places where instant gratification is glorified and sought on a daily basis.

And of course people turn to magic(k) with the same mindset, and get fustrated easily or demand spells of others..

It is unfortunate that it is harder to fix the problem than create it.
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Re: It
Post # 6
Merry Meet

I agree that you have to put energy in to get energy out. What worries me most is that the kids want silly things and not 'real' magick which is not hard work at all as it is available to anyone who wants it. BUT it's not throwing fireballs as i think Kao said in another post, it's just magick that can be used to help and heal etc.

I have been a witch for many years now and have done a lot of study and enjoyed all of it. I am a Wiccan and find that magick comes easy to me I really don't have to work hard at it but I have to be dedicated to it and that is something I find the young ones don't understand. It is my life and my religion, my spirituality my very soul. Not hard work, not grueliing or anythng like that. Just wonderful exhilarating power that flows through me naturally.

I wish everyone could have this power as it is right there for the asking but you do have to want it and work for it. You have to be diligent and ready to learn. You have to start at the beginning and be patient. Magick will come to you and it will be powerful but give it time.


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