Something easy

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Something easy
Post # 1
I'm looking for something relatively easy to do, that doesn't require many supplies, and gives fairly quick results. I'm fairly new to this and I just need something that will give me proof.
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Re: Something easy
Post # 2
You said the P word.

tsk tsk
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Re: Something easy
Post # 3
You can try to find out the CHANCES and probability of of your spell working, but you can never get real proof. Not for magick anyway. You can prove kinesis exists though.
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Re: Something easy
Post # 4
Well you can't really blame me for being a little skeptical, can you?
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Re: Something easy
Post # 5
I blame no one for questioning.

But you are asking for fast results so you can have proof.

You will get exactly what you put into a spell or anything else you do. If you put in nothing, you will see nothing.
If you are filled with doubt, how can you expect anything more than that?

If you are serious about learning, then read read read. Most people have to walk before they can run.
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Re: Something easy
Post # 6
I agree with Healer.

For me magick is part - and only a part - of my greater devotion the God and Goddess of all. It is sacred to me and not something - to me - that needs proof, as it just is.

Too many people take up magick without any basis for it. They just use it as a kind of "give me this or that". They never give back to the universe.

Magick draws from the well of power that the universe is made up of - even we are just electromagnetic beings. You have to tap into this power to make your magick work.

To do this first you have to understand how the universe works as far as magick is concerned. You have to raise the power to do the spell and that takes time and practice.

Simple spells are out there. To help you 'believe' do the energy ball exercise try this website

When you can realise the energy you have then you can start to raise it and use it. Try to ask the universe for something simple like the sun to come out on a cloudy day. Stand outside and gather energy to yourself, feel the power, put your hands in the air and direct the power to the sky and command the clouds to move away. I have seen children do this and it works every time. Try it. But remember feel the energy or else you will not be able to do it.

As for proof - there is none it is all what we beleive or do not.


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