wind spell

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wind spell
Post # 1
I just tried making my own spell but... I'm guessing its either going to take more time or it just didn't work...
now I will admit that I haven't seen results from any of the spells I've ever tried, (granted that I've only been doing this for about two weeks)
but the last spell that I just tried I wrote myself and worded it like this:

"Spirits of the skies above and the winds around, grant me this wish so happiness may be found, darken the sky until there is light no more, cultivate these clouds until a blanket can be sure, at my word may they be gone, and the winds themselves be as timid as a fawn, so mote it be."

I'm not completely sure if my concentration was up to par, or if I completely believed in it to work (since I haven't really seen results from anything else...)

but sadly... I didn't see any results, any ideas?
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Re: wind spell
Post # 2
Exactly what was your intent of this spell?
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Re: wind spell
Post # 3
With all due respect, to expect to control the skies after 2 weeks of magick experience is a taaaaaaaaad much.

If you want to work on controling/working with that element, start small. No spell needed, though it was nicely worded.

Look up and read/practice aerokenisis. It can be done, but it will take time. Just like your spells. You need to understand the role your energy plays in a spell for it to work.
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Re: wind spell
Post # 4
Judging from the spell I would guess he would be trying to summon rain and be able to dispel it with a word from him. The first part is possible but I think the 2nd isn't A great effort for a 1st written spell.I take u can't ryme either? I due most of mine in a hikue or I just say doom it and don't try to ryme it at all
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Re: wind spell
Post # 5
I tend to agree with the others,a great first effort for a spell,but maybe the task was just a little large,to start off with
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Re: wind spell
Post # 6
it's a great spell full of soul and emotino i like it judgign by your words you want the wind the cover the skies? it seems nice spell on a hot day but it's a tad serious i loved this spell to summon snow heres two one i made and one i got online

"goddes hecate please make it cold and let is snow! "

(works great it takes about a day to work )
the other one is you take a freind of your cast a cicrel sit inside it and say
"oh water nypths and slypths of air combind your pwoer in the air make it snow make a blizzard! COmbine your strenghts with my will I summon you come I summon you nypths i summon you slpyths make it snwo make it snoW!! merge with powers so it shall snow! AMEN !! (or so mote it be)
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Re: wind spell
Post # 7
it's a great spell full of soul and emotino i like it judgign by your words you want the wind the cover the skies? it seems nice spell on a hot day but it's a tad serious i loved this spell to summon snow heres two one i made and one i got online

"goddes hecate please make it cold and let is snow! "

(works great it takes about a day to work )
the other one is you take a freind of your cast a cicrel sit inside it and say
"oh water nypths and slypths of air combind your pwoer in the air make it snow make a blizzard! COmbine your strenghts with my will I summon you come I summon you nypths i summon you slpyths make it snwo make it snoW!! merge with powers so it shall snow! AMEN !! (or so mote it be)
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Re: wind spell
Post # 8
it's a great spell full of soul and emotino i like it judgign by your words you want the wind the cover the skies? it seems nice spell on a hot day but it's a tad serious i loved this spell to summon snow heres two one i made and one i got online

"goddes hecate please make it cold and let is snow! "

(works great it takes about a day to work )
the other one is you take a freind of your cast a cicrel sit inside it and say
"oh water nypths and slypths of air combind your pwoer in the air make it snow make a blizzard! COmbine your strenghts with my will I summon you come I summon you nypths i summon you slpyths make it snwo make it snoW!! merge with powers so it shall snow! AMEN !! (or so mote it be)
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Re: wind spell
Post # 9
Also note that you should only do one spell a day. (It's just traditional, Of course you should also do it naked or in something not worn outside of your house or often (Maybe something that you would wear once a month would work, But I honestly just baught a house coat that I only use when casting.. haha.)

but it takes practice and lots of focus aswell as visualizing that it will happen.

You'll get it soon ;)

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