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Post # 1
Hey Im Diana_Dove! :D

I have a big problem. I have this craving to be an animal, any animal. For a while I was obsessed with mermaids....but IDK. What should I do?!
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Re: Hey
Post # 2
You may want to become one for thousands of reasons such as freedom and everything else, that doesn't mean you should turn youself into a bird or a dog. Figure out why you want to be one and then see if you truly should become one. Consider this carefully.
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Re: Hey
Post # 3
You are already an animal.. if you did not notice..
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Re: Hey
Post # 4
Ok...thanks :)
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Re: Hey
Post # 5
Merry Meet Diana .

I agree with Variados - you are already an animal. But I also understand what you mean.

Maybe your spirit guide is trying to get through to you? Try a meditation to connect with them.


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Re: Hey
Post # 6
I agree with Rowan.

If you feel a connection to mermaids or Undines, perhaps you are being pulled towards Water as an elemental connection. Or a Deity connected to water.

Meditate about what you feel a connection to, keep a journal and jot down dreams and visitations in meditation.

Hope that helps a bit!
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