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Post # 1
i believe in magick but is there something I could show my friends so that they could have a better chance of believing?
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Re: help.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Do you believe you can do majik? If so why do you feel the need to have to prove yourself to anyone? As long as you know what you can do that shouldn't be good enough for you?
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Re: help.
Post # 3
no. its not. I want friends do it with me. and yes, i do believe in magick
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Re: help.
Post # 4
Magick is not a path for everyone. If your friends are interested, they will find it. If not, accept them for it reguardless as you would hope they accept you for it.
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Re: help.
Post # 5
You might also find it a lot easier to make it through life if you dont go telling everyone,that you practice magick..Just sayin,,,
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Re: help.
Post # 6 you want your friends to believe or is there really some other reason???? i agree that life is easier if others are unaware of what one is doing, even if the others are said friends. there are many issues that could arise from wanting to show magic to try and get friends to believe. perhaps you need to reconsider your thinking and try to find friends that are in magic and allow your other friends to walk their own path.
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Re: help.
Post # 7
"if your eyes have been opened and theirs have not if you wish them to see as you do. then go about your life quietly and let these powers do as they choose" Basically don't do anything maybe they'll e lucky enough to atrratc something but leave your friends alone "Some people actually want to be normal"-- Mae West
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