Mirror Protection

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Mirror Protection
Post # 1
Mirror Protection using personal energy

This is not a spell, but a form of personal energy manipulation.

Here's what you do...

1st, meditate to clear your mind and gain focus
2nd, focus all energy into your core
3rd, move said energy outside of your body and make give it a glossy, reflective (mirror like) shine
4th, you can make individual panels or have it one large mirror surrounding you at this point
5th, make sure to add a little extra energy every so often to keep it going strong

for those who are more advanced, you can add in earth, fire, water, and air element barriers to this as well, each connection point is different for each individual, the good thing about this protection is that, it will only fade when you no longer need it, or want it. This is also fun to play with and make to your own liking. I've had students tell me they can manipulate the colors, personally I perfer white or black as both are good when it comes to protection, BUT, use a color that is natural and makes you feel safe.

any questions, or modifications can be posted below, or pmed to me.

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Re: Mirror Protection
Post # 2
Mirrors are scary to me, but I have met few people who can use them in a protection manner.
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